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Compleanno Spring.png Primavera 14
Vive a Pelican Town
Indirizzo 2 Willow Lane

Emily Icon.png Emily (Sorella)

Doni preferiti Sunflower.png GirasoleFruit Salad.png MacedoniaCoconut.png Noce di coccoPink Cake.png Torta rosa
Robin building.png
“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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“Being wealthy and popular throughout high school has made Haley a little conceited and self-centered. She has a tendency to judge people for superficial reasons. But is it too late for her to discover a deeper meaning to life? Is there a fun, open-minded young woman hidden within that candy-coated shell?”
Dev Update #12

Haley is a villager who lives in Pelican Town. She's one of the twelve characters available to marry.


Her behavior changes if it's raining or snowing outside. She will not go to the fountain Tuesday-Sunday if it is raining.

Her house is usually unlocked from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. If she is inside when it is locked and you are not, she will be inaccessible to you.

Spring.png Primavera


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:00 AM Leaves her room to go to kitchen
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the river south of Marnie's Ranch
12:20 PM By the river south of Marnie's Ranch, taking pictures
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
12:30 PM Leaves house to stand by the fountain
4:30 PM Leaves fountain to go home
5:30 PM Arrives home
5:50 PM Stands in kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed
Summer.png Estate


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
4:40 PM In the kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room.
10:30 AM Leaving house to go to beach
11:50 AM At the beach, upper left
1:30 PM Goes to Alex's ice cream stand
2:30 PM At Alex's ice cream stand, next to museum/library
5:00 PM Heads home
6:20 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed
Fall.png Autunno


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
10:20 AM In kitchen
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the river south of Marnie's Ranch
12:20 PM By the river south of Marnie's Ranch, taking pictures
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
11:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 AM In her room
12:10 PM In the living room
4:40 PM In the kitchen
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Time Location
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:20 PM In her room
10:30 PM Goes to bed
Winter.png Inverno


Time Location
10:30 AM Get off bed
12:00 PM Goes to Kitchen
1:00 PM In kitchen
7:00 PM Leaves Room


Time Location
11:00 AM In her Room
12:00 PM Goes to Kitchen
5:10 PM In Kitchen
8:00 PM In Living room


Time Location
10:00 AM Her Room
11:00 AM Leaving home to go to the fountain
12:20 PM By the fountain, left of Community Center
4:30 PM Heads home
5:50 PM At home, cooking dinner
8:00 PM Returns to her room


Time Location
10:30 AM Gets up from bed
12:00 PM Leaves Room, goes to Kitchen
4:00 PM Leaves Kitchen, goes to her room


Time Location
10:30 AM Get off bed
12:00 Go in the kitchen
4:00 PM Goes to her room
7:00 PM Leaves Room


Time Location
9:00 AM Her Room
12:00 PM Leaves Room, Goes to Kitchen
4:00 PM Leaves Kitchen, Goes to Her Room
7:00 PM Leaves Room, in Living Room
10:00 PM Goes to Bed


Time Location
12:00 PM Moves from Bedroom to Kitchen
2:00 PM In Kitchen
5:00 PM In Her Bedroom
7:00 PM Leaves Bedroom, In Living Room


Time Location
10:30 AM Wakes up and stands by her dresser in her bedroom.
11:30 AM Moves to the vanity in her bedroom.
12:00 PM Leaves her room to go to the kitchen.
4:00 PM Returns to her room.
7:00 PM Leaves her room and stands in the living room.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Winter 9th

Time Location
11:30 AM Harvey's Clinic
4:00 PM Walks home
Mermaid's Pendant.png Matrimonio


Time Location
6:00 AM At Home
9:30 AM Start Leaving Home
10:40 PM Arrive Willow Lane
3:40 PM Start Leaving Willow Lane
5:00 PM Go back Home
10:00 PM Goes to bed


Haley lives with her sister Emily, and together they care for their parents' home, who have been traveling the world for the past two years. Haley is friends with Alex.


Articolo principale: Amicizia
Vedi anche: Elenco di tutti i doni

Puoi dare Haley fino a due doni alla settimana (più uno nel giorno del suo compleano), i quali diminuiranno o aumenteranno la sua amicizia con te. Doni il giorno del suo compleanno (Spring.png 14 Primavera) avranno un effetto 8 volte maggiore e mostreranno un dialogo unico.
Per doni adorati o graditi, Haley dirà

“Oh, ti ricordavi del mio compleanno? Mi stupisci. Grazie.”
“Oh, oggi è il mio compleanno? Sembra di sì. Grazie. Che bello.”

Per i doni normali, Haley dirà

“Per il mio compleanno? Grazie.”

Per doni sgraditi o detestati, Haley dirà

“È il mio compleanno e tu mi regali questo? Cos'è, uno scherzo?”


“Oh mio dio, vado matta per queste cose!!”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte Ingredienti
Haley Happy.png
Noce di cocco Un seme di una palma di cocco. Ha molti usi culinari. Raccolta selvatica - Il deserto
Fruit Salad.png
Macedonia Una squisita combinazione di frutta estiva. Cucina Blueberry.png Mirtillo (1)Melon.png Melone (1)Apricot.png Albicocca (1)
Pink Cake.png
Torta rosa Ha delle caramelline a forma di cuore in cima. Cucina Melon.png Melone (1)Wheat Flour.png Farina di grano (1)Sugar.png Zucchero (1)Egg.png Uovo (1)
Girasole Una credenza comune, ma erronea, è che questo fiore si volti sempre dalla parte del sole. Fattoria


“*sussulta*...per me? Grazie!”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Haley Pleased.png
Giunchiglia Un tipico fiore primaverile che può fungere da bel regalo. Raccolta selvatica - Primavera


“Grazie. Adoro i regali.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Haley Neutral.png


“Ugh...che regalo stupido.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Haley Annoyed.png
Gallinaccio Un fungo saporito dall'odore fruttato e dal sapore leggermente pepato. Raccolta selvatica - Autunno
Common Mushroom.png
Fungo comune Ha un leggero gusto di noce, e un buona consistenza. Raccolta selvatica - Autunno
Tarassaco Non avrà il più bello dei fiori, ma le foglie sono ottime per l'insalata. Raccolta selvatica - Primavera
Nocciola Alla faccia della nocciola! Raccolta selvatica - Autunno
Agrifoglio Le foglie e il rosso acceso delle bacche sono una diffusa decorazione invernale. Raccolta selvatica - Inverno
Porro Saporito parente della cipolla. Raccolta selvatica - Primavera
Spugnola Ricercata per il suo peculiare sapore di noce. Raccolta selvatica - Autunno
Purple Mushroom.png
Fungo viola Un fungo raro che si trova nelle profondità delle caverne. Raccolta selvatica - Le miniere
Quarzo Un cristallo chiaro comunemente trovato in caverne e miniere. Raccolta selvatica - Le miniere
Snow Yam.png
Patata dolce delle nevi Questa piccolina si nascondeva sotto la neve. Zappando - Inverno
Winter Root.png
Radice invernale Un tubero amidoso. Zappando - Inverno

*Nota che l'Uovo di dinosauro è considerato Artefatto e non uova da donare.


“Che schifo!”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Haley Angry.png
Argilla Usata per costruire oggetti ed edifici. Zappando
Prismatic Shard.png
Scheggia prismatica Una sostanza molto rara e potente dall'origine ignota. Estrazione
Wild Horseradish.png
Rafano selvatico Una radice piccante che cresce in primavera. Raccolta selvatica - Primavera

Film e concessioni

Articolo principale: Cinema
'The Brave Little Sapling'.png Il Piccolo Arboscello Coraggioso

'The Zuzu City Express'.png L'Espresso per Zuzu City

'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Meraviglie Naturali: Esplorare il Nostro Mondo Rigoglioso

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png Miracolo a Coldstar Ranch

'Mysterium'.png Mysterium

'It Howls In The Rain'.png Urla nella Pioggia

'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Viaggio del Re della Prateria: il Film

'Wumbus'.png Wumbus

Adorati ConcessionLove.png
Stardrop Sorbet.png Sorbetto di astropomo
Cappuccino Mousse Cake.png Torta con mousse al cappuccino
Sgraditi ConcessionDislike.png
Joja Cola (large).png Joja Cola
JojaCorn.png JojaCorn
Black Licorice.png Liquirizia nera
Nachos.png Nachos
Salted Peanuts.png Noccioline
Fries.png Patatine
Personal Pizza.png Pizza portatile
Popcorn.png Popcorn
Truffle Popcorn.png Popcorn al tartufo
Graditi ConcessionLike.png
Tutto il resto

Eventi Cuore

Due Cuori

Two Hearts.png

Enter Haley and Emily's home when they're both there.

Haley and Emily are fighting about cleaning under the couch cushions when you arrive. Emily is upset that Haley refuses to clean the cushions. Haley says she cleaned them last week, and Emily thinks Haley is being childish. You're tasked with resolving the conflict.
  • "Stop whining and just clean it!" (-50 amicizia.) Haley angrily storms off and Emily cleans the cushions.
  • "Haley, why not have this be your one weekly job?" (+30 amicizia.) Both agree, though Haley isn't ecstatic about it.
  • "Emily, take the high road and do it this time." (-30 amicizia.) Haley is upset that you implied she's being childish. Emily cleans the cushions.

Quattro Cuori

Four Hearts.png

Enter Haley's home when she's there.

Haley is struggling to open a jar, and asks for your help.

After opening the jar, Haley says you're stronger than you look. The next day, she'll usually have dialogue about having found a tool to help her open jars.

Sei Cuori

Six Hearts.png

Go to the beach between 10 AM and 4 PM during any season except Winter.

You find Haley grieving after losing her great-grandmother's bracelet.
  • "Relax, I'll just buy you a new one!" (-30 amicizia.)
  • "I'm really sorry..." (+50 amicizia.)

The bracelet is located to the right of Elliott's cabin behind a shrub. After returning the bracelet, Haley hugs you and says she won't forget what you've done.

Otto Cuori

Eight Hearts.png

On a sunny day during any season except Winter, enter the Cindersap Forest between 10 AM and 4 PM.

You meet Haley at Marnie's ranch as she's taking photos. She asks you to take some pictures with her, and asks how to approach a cow. She climbs on one, falls off and gets covered in dirt. Haley giggles and leaves to take a shower.

The next morning, Haley will write you a letter that says:


I thought it would be fun to write you a note.
I had so much fun with the cows yesterday... I'm
starting to understand why you chose the farmer's
life! Hope to see you soon.

Dieci Cuori

Ten Hearts.png

Enter Haley's house when she's there.

Haley shows you her dark room for developing photos.
  • "It looks great!" (+10 amicizia.)
  • "What does it do?" (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • "I've seen better." (-50 amicizia.)

Haley asks what you want to do now.

  • Offer to help decorate the dark room. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Ends the scene and disappoints Haley.
  • Make an excuse and leave. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • Try to kiss her. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Haley responds, "Oh, <your name>... I've been waiting so long for you to do that. One moment..." She flips a switch, the room goes mostly black except where you and Haley are standing, and you both lean in close for a kiss as the cutscene ends. If you talk to her immediately after the cutscene, she says "That was nice" with her red/blushing portrait.

Evento Dieci Cuori di Gruppo

Ten Hearts.png

Se il giocatore è celibe e ha dato un Mazzo di fiori a tutte le scapole disponibili, ottenuto 10 cuori Amicizia con ogni scapola, e visto ogni evento dei 10 cuori delle scapole, entrando nella Casa di Haley e Emily avvierà un filmato.

Se il giocatore ha una Zampa di coniglio nell'inventario, il filmato sarà una sessione di gossip sul rapporto tra il sindaco Lewis e Marnie.

Se il giocatore non ha una Zampa di coniglio nell'inventario, tutte le scapole si arrabbieranno col giocatore che ha dato appuntamento a tutte in una sola volta. Indipendentemente dalla scelta di dialogo del giocatore, tutte le scapole decideranno di dare al giocatore la "spalla fredda" per circa una settimana dopo l'evento. Risponderanno con dialoghi arrabbiati quando vi si interagirà, e rifiuteranno i doni. Dopo circa una settimana, tutte le scapole perdoneranno il giocatore, e i dialoghi torneranno alla normalità.

Questo evento si attiverà solo una volta per Salvataggio. Questo evento non si attiverà se si è sposati.


Articolo principale: Matrimonio

Once married, Haley will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, she will add her own room to the right of the bedroom. She'll also set up a small garden behind the farmhouse where she'll sometimes go to take pictures.

On rainy mornings, Haley may offer you something sweet for breakfast: Cookie, Blueberry Tart, Pancakes, Poppyseed Muffin, or Maple Bar. On mornings when Haley stays inside the farmhouse all day, she may offer you Fried Egg, Omelet, Hashbrowns, Pancakes, or Bread for breakfast. On rainy nights she may offer you dinner: Chowder, Eggplant Parmesan, Bean Hotpot, or Parsnip Soup.


Summer, Saturday

“Farming sounds so boring... What do you even do all day?”

Haley responds: "Hmm... sounds like a lot of work."

Haley responds: "Hmm... sounds like a lot of work."

  • Snoop around in your room (-10 amicizia.)

Haley responds: "What? You'd better not be doing that!"

Haley responds: "Hmm... sounds like a lot of work."

Fall, Saturday

“It's too cold to go to the beach anymore. *sigh*...what do you think I should do today?”

Haley responds: "Hmm... That's a pretty good idea, actually."

  • Relax and read a magazine (+20 amicizia.)

Haley responds: "Hmm... That's a pretty good idea, actually."

  • Stop being a selfish crybaby (-30 amicizia.)

Haley responds: "Get away from me, you stupid jerk."




Haley's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Haley's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Haley Timeline.png


  • Haley's personality drastically changes the more hearts you have with her. She starts off saying that she "hates this small town" and talks endlessly about malls and shopping. At seven to ten hearts, she talks about donating her clothes to charity and saying she's glad the town is small, because if it was any bigger it wouldn't be a community.
  • Even though Haley's ten heart scene is all about her dark room, a new dark room is not included in her added room after marriage.
  • In the "pink cake" episode of "The Queen of Sauce", The Queen says, "A viewer from Pelican Town wrote to me recently... let's see... Her name's Haley. She wrote, 'I tried your pink cake last time I was in Zuzu City and I fell in love with it. Could you share the recipe on your next episode?'. Well, why not? It's a marvelous cake. And you'll never guess the secret ingredient... melon!"
  • On Wednesdays in Winter, Haley may say "I wish someone would bring me a peppermint coffee. Don't even bother, I know you won't be able to make one." This may lead players to believe that Peppermint Coffee is available, and is one of Haley's loved or liked gifts. In fact, Peppermint Coffee cannot be crafted, cooked, or brewed, and is not available in-game anywhere. In early game development, Haley would say "The only thing I like about winter is peppermint coffee... hey, are you even listening?"


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added photo area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.