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Compleanno Summer.png Estate 26
Vive a Isola Zenzero
Indirizzo Hut (<6 HeartIconLarge.png)
Treehouse (≥6 HeartIconLarge.png)
Matrimonio No
Doni preferiti Mango.png MangoDuck Feather.png Penna d'anatraPoi.png PoiOstrich Egg.png Uovo di struzzo
Robin building.png
“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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“Una volta... ero in cima al vulcano di notte, e ho visto luci lontane lontane. Chissà se ci sono altre famiglie di uccelli là fuori?”
— Leo

Leo è un ragazzo che inizialmente vive sull’Isola Zenzero. I suoi genitori si sono persi in mare, e considera i pappagalli che vivono sull'isolala propria famiglia. Inizialmente, lui è troppo timido per parlare al giocatore, finché il giocatore non diventa "amico" dei pappagalli dell'isola donandogli noci dorate. Questo si può fare donando 10 noci dorate al primo pappagallo che troverete fuori dalla tartaruga.

Quando il giocatore raggiunge 6 cuori di amicizia con Leo, lui si sposta nel territorio principale di Stardew Valley, dove diventa amico di Linus, Jas, Vincent e Penny.


Meno di 6 cuori

Leo vive sull’Isola Zenzero e non la lascia finché il giocatore non raggiunge con lui 6 cuori di amicizia.

Giornate di pioggia
9:00am Si trova nella sua capanna
11:00am Resta fuori, all’entrata della sua capanna
2:00pm Rientra all’interno della sua capanna
9:00pm Va a letto
9:00am Si trova nella sua capanna
10:30am Walks to the dock on Island South, stands near the entrance to Island SouthEast
1:30pm Cammina verso la giungla all’esterno della sua capanna (Isola Est), rimane vicino ai cespugli all’angolo Sud Ovest
5:00pm Cammina verso l’Isola Nord, rimane sulla destra del Mercante dell’Isola
8:00pm Torna a casa e va a letto
9:00am Si trova dentro la sua capanna
9:30am Walks to the Gem Bird Shrine, through the hidden passage in the East of the Jungle
2:00pm Resta fuori, all’entrata della sua capanna
5:00pm Rientra all’interno della sua capanna
9:00pm Va a letto
Routine Normale
9:00am Si trova dentro la sua capanna
10:30am Resta fuori, all’entrata della sua capanna
12:00pm Walks to the docks at Island South, stands at the NorthWest corner, next to the parrot perch
3:00pm Walks to Island North, stands at the NorthWest corner of the map, West of the volcano entrance
Torna a casa e va a letto

Dopo i 6 cuori

Leo vive in una capanna sulla Montagna, e visita l’Isola Zenzero tutte le Domeniche e qualche Lunedì.

Spring.png Primavera


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Martedì e Mercoledì

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Giovedì e Venerdì

Time Location
6:30am In his treehouse
7:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:30am Stands to the west of the mountain lake
2:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Summer.png Estate


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Martedì e Mercoledì

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Giovedì e Venerdì

Time Location
6:30am Stands outside of his treehouse
9:40am Stands on the west edge of the mountain lake
1:00pm Walks around the tree to the southwest of the mountain lake
4:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Fall.png Autunno


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Tuesday and Wednesday

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Thursday and Friday

Time Location
7:00am In his treehouse
7:40am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:00am Stands south of the community center
2:00pm Stands to the west of the mountain lake
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut
Winter.png Inverno

Inverno 15

Time Location
11:00am Walks to Linus’ tent and stands outside the entrance
4:00pm Walks to the Night Market
11:30pm Goes home to bed


Time Location
6:00am In his hut on Ginger Island
9:30am Next to the parrot perch in Island South
2:00pm Stands outside his hut
5:00pm Enters his hut
9:00pm Goes to bed

Martedì e Mercoledì

Time Location
6:00am In his treehouse
9:00am In the museum library
2:00pm South of the museum
4:20pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

Giovedì e Venerdì

Time Location
11:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
2:00pm Reads books in the museum library
8:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
9:40am Stands next to Haley and Emily's house
12:00pm Plays on the playground
5:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Time Location
6:10am In his hut on Ginger Island
10:30am In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
1:30pm Outside his hut
5:00pm To the right of the parrot vendor
8:00pm Goes to bed in his hut

Nei giorni di pioggia

Time Location
7:00am In his treehouse
10:00am Visits Linus’ tent
3:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed

9th & 25th of any season (when you have fewer than 6 hearts with Sam)

Time Location
6:30am In his treehouse
7:00am Stands to the right of his treehouse
9:30am Stands to the west of the mountain lake
2:00pm Stands to the right of his treehouse
7:00pm Enters his treehouse
10:00pm Goes to bed


Sull’Isola Zenzero, Leo è amico dei pappagalli, che considera essere la sua famiglia. Dopo essersi trasferito a Stardew Valley, stringe amicizia con Linus ed inizia a frequentare le lezioni di Penny con Vincent e Jas. Per quest’ultima ha anche una cotta, sulla base di alcune frasi dette al protagonista.


Articolo principale: Amicizia
Vedi anche: Elenco di tutti i doni

Puoi dare Leo fino a due doni alla settimana (più uno nel giorno del suo compleano), i quali diminuiranno o aumenteranno la sua amicizia con te. Doni il giorno del suo compleanno (Summer.png 26 Estate) avranno un effetto 8 volte maggiore e mostreranno un dialogo unico.
Per doni adorati o graditi, Leo dirà

“Un regalo di compleanno? Molto gentile da parte tua! Lo adoro.”
“Ti ricordavi del mio compleanno! Grazie. È magnifico.”

Per doni normali, Leo dirà

“Oh, un regalo di compleanno! Grazie.”

Per doni sgraditi o detestati, Leo dirà

“Oh... È per il mio compleanno? ... Grazie.”


“Stupendo. Lo metterò nel mio nido.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Leo Happy.png
Duck Feather.png
Penna d'anatra È così colorata. Anatra
Mango Un grosso frutto tropicale dolce, dal sapore unico. Albero di mango
Ostrich Egg.png
Uovo di struzzo Potrebbe essere l'uovo più grande del mondo. Struzzo
Poi Un cibo tradizionale con un gusto dolce e delicato se mangiato fresco. Cucina
Parrot Egg.png
Uovo di pappagallo Un cibo tradizionale con un gusto dolce e delicato se mangiato fresco. Uccidendo Mostri


“Davvero me lo regali? Che bello...”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Happy.png
Dragon Tooth.png
Dragon Tooth Si racconta che siano i denti di antichi serpenti. Lo smalto è fatto di iridio puro! Monster drops, Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Mango Sticky Rice.png
Mango Sticky Rice Il dolce mango e la noce di cocco trasformano questo riso in un piatto davvero speciale. Cooking
Nautilus Shell.png
Nautilus Shell Un'antica conchiglia. Foraging
Quartz Un cristallo chiaro comunemente trovato in caverne e miniere. Foraging - Mines
Rainbow Shell.png
Rainbow Shell Una conchiglia incredibilmente bella. Foraging
Sea Urchin.png
Sea Urchin Una creatura lenta e spinosa, che alcuni considerano una delicatezza. Foraging
Spice Berry.png
Spice Berry Riempie l'aria di un aroma pungente. Foraging


“Accetto il tuo regalo.”
Image Name Description Source
Coffee Ha un aroma delizioso. Ti darà una bella carica. Keg, The Stardrop Saloon

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


“Oh... Non so se posso digerirlo...”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Sad.png
Chanterelle Un fungo saporito dall'odore fruttato e dal sapore leggermente pepato. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Ha un leggero gusto di noce, e un buona consistenza. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Un tipico fiore primaverile che può fungere da bel regalo. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Non avrà il più bello dei fiori, ma le foglie sono ottime per l'insalata. Foraging - Spring
Ginger Si dice che questa radice forte e piccantina aumenti la vitalità. Foraging - Ginger Island
Hazelnut Alla faccia della nocciola! Foraging - Fall
Leek Saporito parente della cipolla. Foraging - Spring
Life Elixir.png
Elisir vitale Ripristina tutta la salute. Fabbricazione
Magma Cap.png
Magma Cap Un fungo molto raro che cresce accanto alle pozze di lava. Foraging - Volcano Dungeon
Pickles Un barattolo dei tuoi sottaceti fatti in casa. Preserves Jar
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Un fungo raro che si trova nelle profondità delle caverne. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry Una bacca primaverile col sapore della foresta. Foraging - Spring
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Questa piccolina si nascondeva sotto la neve. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Una radice piccante che cresce in primavera. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Un tubero amidoso. Foraging - Winter


“*sniff* *sniff*... Perché lo dai a me? Vuoi che te lo sotterri?”
Image Name Description Source
Leo Sad.png
Beer Bevi con moderazione. Keg
Holly Le foglie e il rosso acceso delle bacche sono una diffusa decorazione invernale. Foraging
Hops Un fiore amaro e pungente, usato per aromatizzare la birra. Crops
Mead Una bevanda fermentata dal miele. Bevi con moderazione. Keg
Morel Ricercata per il suo peculiare sapore di noce. Foraging
Oil Olio da cucina multiuso. Oil Maker
Pale Ale.png
Pale Ale Bevi con moderazione. Keg
Piña Colada.png
Piña Colada Bevi con moderazione. The Beach Resort on Ginger Island
Triple Shot Espresso.png
Triple Shot Espresso È più potente del caffè normale! Cooking
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Il riso nella sua forma più grezza. Esegui questo attraverso un mulino per aumentare il valore. Crops
Wine Bevi con moderazione. Keg

Film e area snack

Articolo principale: Cinema
'Natural Wonders Exploring Our Vibrant World'.png Meraviglie Naturali: Esplorare il Nostro Mondo Rigoglioso
'The Brave Little Sapling'.png Il Piccolo Arboscello Coraggioso

'The Zuzu City Express'.png L'Espresso per Zuzu City

'The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch'.png Miracolo a Coldstar Ranch

'Mysterium'.png Mysterium

'It Howls In The Rain'.png Urla nella Pioggia

'Journey Of The Prairie King The Motion Picture'.png Viaggio del Re della Prateria: il Film

'Wumbus'.png Wumbus

Adorati ConcessionLove.png
Sgraditi ConcessionDislike.png
Graditi ConcessionLike.png

Heart Events

Two Hearts

Two Hearts.png

Enter Island West on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

The player is standing by the shore when Leo approaches them from behind. He asks what the player is doing.
  • Just enjoying the waves. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • Looking for fish. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • Thinking about someone special. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • Pondering the big questions. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)

Leo then asks what the player's home is like.

  • There's a town full of people. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • There's forests, beaches, and mountains. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • It's like here, but colder. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • I live on a farm. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)

Leo thinks about your words for a bit before asking if there are any kids in Pelican Town

  • Yes. (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • What does that matter to a bird? (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)

Regardless of the answer, Leo says he's aware he's not really a bird, and he tries to avoid thinking about it because it makes him feel lonely. He tries to fit in with the parrots, but knows he truly doesn't belong anywhere. He runs off before Willy enters the scene, wondering if there's any way to help him.

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching three hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Poi (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Four Hearts

Four Hearts.png

Enter Island North on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

The player approaches Leo from behind. Leo squawks like a parrot and startles the player, which startles Leo in turn. Leo then apologizes and explains that he has difficulty communicating using words, then asks the player if they find him weird. Leo wonders about the differences in his life if he hadn't been washed ashore and wonders about what "normal kids" would have to say about him. Leo then asks the player if they think he could ever be a normal kid again. After the player answers, he states that he's happy he met the parrots regardless, and that he will always consider them family no matter what. Leo thanks the player for talking to him and says that the player may be a part of his family too, someday. He then teaches the player how to say "let's play" in parrot-talk.

Note that none of the dialogue options in this cutscene affect friendship with Leo.

Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Island South on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm

Linus invites Leo to move to the mainland of Stardew Valley. Willy says that there are other children there, and Leo can visit Ginger Island anytime he wants to. Willy asks the player what they think. (Choices have no effect on friendship).

Leo decides to move to Stardew Valley. That night, parrots build him a treehouse in the tree to the left of Linus' tent.

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching seven hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Mango Sticky Rice.png
Mango Sticky Rice (Player name),

Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.

Nine Hearts

Nine Hearts.png

Enter the Mountain on a non-rainy day between 6am and 7pm

Leo is shown adjusting well to life in Stardew Valley. He is seen cooking a bean hotpot with Linus on the campfire. In the next scene, he is at school at the library/museum with Penny, Vincent and Jas answering a question correctly. Another scene shows him fishing with Willy. The scene after has him watching Jas from the bushes in the playground, and running away when she notices. He arrives home at the treehouse and talks to his parrot friend about how good his day was, but he still misses Ginger Island.

