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“Una volta... ero in cima al vulcano di notte, e ho visto luci lontane lontane. Chissà se ci sono altre famiglie di uccelli là fuori?”
— Leo
Leo è un ragazzo che inizialmente vive sull’Isola Zenzero. I suoi genitori si sono persi in mare, e considera i pappagalli che vivono sull'isolala propria famiglia. Inizialmente, lui è troppo timido per parlare al giocatore, finché il giocatore non diventa "amico" dei pappagalli dell'isola donandogli noci dorate. Questo si può fare donando 10 noci dorate al primo pappagallo che troverete fuori dalla tartaruga.
Quando il giocatore raggiunge 6 cuori di amicizia con Leo, lui si sposta nel territorio principale di Stardew Valley, dove diventa amico di Linus, Jas, Vincent e Penny.
Meno di 6 cuori
Leo vive sull’Isola Zenzero e non la lascia finché il giocatore non raggiunge con lui 6 cuori di amicizia.
Giornate di pioggia
Si trova nella sua capanna
Resta fuori, all’entrata della sua capanna
Rientra all’interno della sua capanna
Va a letto
Si trova nella sua capanna
Walks to the dock on Island South, stands near the entrance to Island SouthEast
Cammina verso la giungla all’esterno della sua capanna (Isola Est), rimane vicino ai cespugli all’angolo Sud Ovest
In Island South, near the entrance to Island Southeast
Outside his hut
To the right of the parrot vendor
Goes to bed in his hut
Nei giorni di pioggia
In his treehouse
Visits Linus’ tent
Stands to the right of his treehouse
Enters his treehouse
Goes to bed
9th & 25th of any season (when you have fewer than 6 hearts with Sam)
In his treehouse
Stands to the right of his treehouse
Stands to the west of the mountain lake
Stands to the right of his treehouse
Enters his treehouse
Goes to bed
Sull’Isola Zenzero, Leo è amico dei pappagalli, che considera essere la sua famiglia. Dopo essersi trasferito a Stardew Valley, stringe amicizia con Linus ed inizia a frequentare le lezioni di Penny con Vincent e Jas. Per quest’ultima ha anche una cotta, sulla base di alcune frasi dette al protagonista.
Puoi dare Leo fino a due doni alla settimana (più uno nel giorno del suo compleano), i quali diminuiranno o aumenteranno la sua amicizia con te. Doni il giorno del suo compleanno ( 26 Estate) avranno un effetto 8 volte maggiore e mostreranno un dialogo unico.
Per doni adorati o graditi, Leo dirà
“Un regalo di compleanno? Molto gentile da parte tua! Lo adoro.”
“Ti ricordavi del mio compleanno! Grazie. È magnifico.”
What does that matter to a bird?(Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
Regardless of the answer, Leo says he's aware he's not really a bird, and he tries to avoid thinking about it because it makes him feel lonely. He tries to fit in with the parrots, but knows he truly doesn't belong anywhere. He runs off before Willy enters the scene, wondering if there's any way to help him.
Three Hearts
After reaching three hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.
Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.
P.S. Willy helped me write this.
Four Hearts
Enter Island North on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm
The player approaches Leo from behind. Leo squawks like a parrot and startles the player, which startles Leo in turn. Leo then apologizes and explains that he has difficulty communicating using words, then asks the player if they find him weird. Leo wonders about the differences in his life if he hadn't been washed ashore and wonders about what "normal kids" would have to say about him. Leo then asks the player if they think he could ever be a normal kid again. After the player answers, he states that he's happy he met the parrots regardless, and that he will always consider them family no matter what. Leo thanks the player for talking to him and says that the player may be a part of his family too, someday. He then teaches the player how to say "let's play" in parrot-talk.
Note that none of the dialogue options in this cutscene affect friendship with Leo.
Six Hearts
Enter Island South on a sunny day between 6am and 6pm
Linus invites Leo to move to the mainland of Stardew Valley. Willy says that there are other children there, and Leo can visit Ginger Island anytime he wants to. Willy asks the player what they think. (Choices have no effect on friendship).
Leo decides to move to Stardew Valley. That night, parrots build him a treehouse in the tree to the left of Linus' tent.
Seven Hearts
After reaching seven hearts with Leo, he sends the player a recipe in the mail.
Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.
P.S. Willy helped me write this.
Nine Hearts
Enter the Mountain on a non-rainy day between 6am and 7pm
Leo is shown adjusting well to life in Stardew Valley. He is seen cooking a bean hotpot with Linus on the campfire. In the next scene, he is at school at the library/museum with Penny, Vincent and Jas answering a question correctly. Another scene shows him fishing with Willy. The scene after has him watching Jas from the bushes in the playground, and running away when she notices. He arrives home at the treehouse and talks to his parrot friend about how good his day was, but he still misses Ginger Island.