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“It's nicer to work outdoors than by a hot furnace all day. I'm only a blacksmith because my father pushed me into it.”
Clint non è disponibile per acquisti, miglioramenti degli utensili o spaccare geodi il venerdì dopo che il centro sociale è stato restaurato, a meno che non stia piovendo.
Clint visita spesso il Saloon per chiacchierare con Emily, per la quale ha una cotta, rendendolo nervoso al pensiero di parlarle. Un dialogo con Gus allude al fatto che sospetti della cotta di Clint, ma ha deciso di non chiedergli nulla a riguardo. Un biglietto nella stanza di Clint conferma i suoi sentimenti:
“Cara Emily,
So che mi consideri solo un amico.
È colpa mia. Sono troppo timido. Non avrò mai il coraggio di dirti la verità.
Ecco perché mi scrivo questa lettera, che di sicuro accartoccerò e getterò in un angolo.”
Puoi dare Clint fino a due doni alla settimana (più uno nel giorno del suo compleano), i quali diminuiranno o aumenteranno la sua amicizia con te. Doni il giorno del suo compleanno ( 26 Inverno) avranno un effetto 8 volte maggiore e mostreranno un dialogo unico. Per doni adorati o graditi, Clint dirà
“Oh, ti ricordavi del mio compleanno? Mi stupisci. Grazie.”
“Oh, oggi è il mio compleanno? Sembra di sì. Grazie. Che bello.”
Per i doni normali, Clint dirà
“Per il mio compleanno? Grazie.”
Per doni sgraditi o detestati, Clint dirà
“È il mio compleanno e tu mi regali questo? Cos'è, uno scherzo?”
Meraviglie Naturali: Esplorare il Nostro Mondo Rigoglioso
Miracolo a Coldstar Ranch
Urla nella Pioggia
Viaggio del Re della Prateria: il Film
L'Espresso per Zuzu City
Patatine Sorbetto di astropomo
Fettine di mela Frullato di cavolo Joja Cola JojaCorn Liquirizia nera Panzanella Snack all'hummus Tè al gelsomino
Tutto il resto
Heart Events
A ogni livello di amicizia maggiore di zero, potresti ricevere un regalo per posta da Clint. La possibilità di ricevere un regalo per posta aumenta insieme al livello di amicizia con Clint.
Mi dispiace, non sono bravo con le lettere. Ho creato un lingotto di metallo di troppo, e ho pensato che potesse servirti.
-Clint, il fabbro
Three Hearts I
Visit the saloon between 7pm and 11pm on a Monday.
Clint says he has terrible luck with women, and asks for your advice.
"Impress women with your strength and charm."(+25 amicizia.) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."
"Act crazy, to keep people guessing."(+25 amicizia.) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."
"Just act natural... be yourself."(Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) He responds, "That's the problem... I do act natural... but I never have any success."
"Treat women the same as men."(+50 amicizia.) He responds, "Okay... I'll keep that in mind."
Emily walks over to take Clint's order. Clint panics: "Yes! (pause) Er.. I mean, I'll have the Big n' Cheesy. With extra sauce, please. (pause)" Emily greets you, and Clint continues: "Er... *ahem* Th...Thanks, Emily. For... taking my order. Um, Emily? I was...*gulp*... I was wondering... (pause)" Emily prompts him, but Clint gives up and says nevermind. Emily pauses as sad music plays, then moves away to take Shane's order. Emily and Shane chat easily, and Clint is crestfallen: "*sigh* I'm doomed..."
Well, I know a couple of recipes. I thought I'd send you one... maybe it'll help you mine more ore or something.
Take care. -Clint
Six Hearts
Enter town from Cindersap Forest between 9am and 6:30pm. Only happens if you saw his three hearts event.
Note: This event will not trigger if you are married to Emily, or have seen her Eight Heart Event or Ten Heart event.
You find Clint watching Emily from the bushes. He says he was going to ask Emily out on a date, and got as far as her doorstep before he heard her coming and dove into the bushes. He says he's waiting for her to finish talking with Caroline so he can sneak back to his house. You threaten Clint with never upgrading your tools again if he doesn't ask her out, and he grudgingly agrees.
He approaches Emily and asks to speak to her privately. "I was wondering if you'd go w... with... tomorrow, me... *gulp* (pause) I've got two tickets for the Grampleton Carnival tomorrow. W... Would you go with me?" Emily says that sounds like fun and accepts; Clint responds that he'll pick her up tomorrow.
Clint is ecstatic and nervous. He thanks you for forcing him to finally ask her out.
"A Favor for Clint": Clint will send you a letter on the 17th of Winter asking you to bring him an Iron Bar. The reward is data-sort-value="500">500o and 1 Friendship heart.
Note that you do not need to have any ore/coal in inventory to finish the quest. Once the required items are gathered, simply talking to Clint will complete the quest. Handing him any amount of ore or coal will always result in gifting him one of them.
Clint may randomly request that you kill a certain number of Monsters or bring him a random item at the "Help Wanted" board. The reward for killing monsters is an amount of gold that varies by the type and number of monsters requested. The reward for item delivery is 3x the item's base value and 150 Friendship points.
According to a tape in a boombox in Clint's room, he is a fan of the blues.
As shown in the picture of him holding a Joja Cola, Clint has only four fingers on his hand.
Clint's 7 heart recipe is the Bean Hotpot, and Emily has a quote during Winter asking if the player knows how to cook that recipe. This hints that Clint has perhaps introduced her to the dish, or learned it for her.
1.4: Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts. Fixed bug where 6 heart event wouldn't trigger if entering town on a horse. Removed ore gathering quest exploits.