
Compleanno Summer.png Estate 13
Vive a Pelican Town
Indirizzo 1 River Road

George Icon.png George (Nonno)

Evelyn Icon.png Evelyn (Nonna)

Doni preferiti Salmon Dinner.png Cena di salmoneComplete Breakfast.png Colazione completa
Robin building.png
“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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Ultima modifica di Odraccir del 2020-02-11 14:54:30.

“Alex ama lo sport e passeggiare in spiaggia. È piuttosto arrogante e si vanta di essere un atleta professionista. La sua arroganza è solo una facciata per mascherare la sua schiacciante insicurezza? Sta usando il suo sogno sportivo per riempire il vuoto lasciato dalla scomparsa dei suoi genitori? O è solo un giovane sfacciato che cerca di "sembrare figo?'”
Dev Update #12

Alex è un abitante del villaggio che vive nella casa a sud-est dell'Emporio di Pierre. Alex è uno dei dodici personaggi disponibili al matrimonio.


Durante la primavera, Alex esce di casa alle 8 del mattino a meno che non piova. Si trova vicino all'albero a destra della sua casa, ma nel pomeriggio si sposta verso la sinistra dell'area recintata.

Durante l'estate, può essere trovato sulla spiaggia al mattino e nel pomeriggio gestisce il chiosco dei gelati a sinistra del museo. Il 16simo giorno di estate, ha un appuntamento alla Clinica di Harvey.

Durante l'inverno, si allena presso la Spa quasi ogni giorno.

Di seguito sono riportati i programmi di Alex con la priorità dal più alto al più basso. Ad esempio, se piove, tale programma ha la precedenza su tutti gli altri.


Rainy day

Time Location
8:00 AM Lascia la sua stanza e sta nell'ingresso.
1:00 PM Va nella sua stanza a sollevare i pesi.
4:00 PM Lascia la sua stanza per andare fuori dal cane.
4:20 PM Arriva dal cane.
6:30 PM Ritorna a casa sua e sta nell'ingresso.
8:00 PM Va nella sua stanza e sta nella sua cassettiera.
10:00 PM Va a dormire.

Wednesday Se il giocatore ha meno di 6 cuori con Haley

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
12:00 PM Goes to Haley and Emily's house.
1:00 PM Inside Haley and Emily's house.
4:30 PM Leaves Haley and Emily's house to go stand by the dog pen.
5:10 PM Standing by the dog pen.
6:40 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
8.20 AM Arrives next to the tree.
1:00 PM Leaves the tree to go back to his room.
1:20 PM Arrives in his room and lifts weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his room to go stand outside by the dog pen.
4:20 PM Arrives next to the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Tuesday the 16th

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
10:30 AM Goes to clinic.
11:00 AM In clinic waiting room.
1:40 PM Clinic examination room.
4:00 PM Heads home.
4:50 PM Standing in his room.

Rainy day

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in the entryway.
1:00 PM Goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Wednesday If the player has less than 6 hearts with Haley

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
12:00 PM Goes to Haley and Emily's house.
1:00 PM Inside Haley and Emily's house.
4:30 PM Leaves Haley and Emily's house to go stand by the dog pen.
5:10 PM Standing by the dog pen.
6:40 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
7:50 AM Leaves home to go to beach.
8:30 AM On the beach.
12:00 PM Leaving beach to go work at ice cream stand.
1:00 PM Working at ice cream stand next to museum/library.
5:00 PM Heads home.
6:00 PM At home, lifting weights in his room.
7:00 PM Goes to stand in front entryway of house.
8:00 PM Goes to his room to stand by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Rainy day

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves his room and stands in the entryway.
1:00 PM Goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Wednesday If the player has less than 6 hearts with Haley

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
12:00 PM Goes to Haley and Emily's house.
1:00 PM Inside Haley and Emily's house.
4:30 PM Leaves Haley and Emily's house to go stand by the dog pen.
5:10 PM Standing by the dog pen.
6:40 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
1:00 PM Goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Wednesday If the player has less than 6 hearts with Haley

Time Location
8:00 AM Leaving his room to go outside and stand beneath nearby tree.
12:00 PM Goes to Haley and Emily's house.
1:00 PM Inside Haley and Emily's house.
4:30 PM Leaves Haley and Emily's house to go stand by the dog pen.
5:10 PM Standing by the dog pen.
6:40 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Wednesday If the player has 6+ hearts with Haley

Time Location
8:00 AM Exits his house and stands beneath the tree to the right of his house.
1:00 PM Re-enters his house and goes to his room to lift weights.
4:00 PM Leaves his house to go stand by the dog pen.
6:30 PM Goes back into his house and stands in the entryway.
8:00 PM Goes to his room and stands by his dresser.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
8:00 AM In his bedroom.
9:00 AM Leaves his house to go to the Spa.
11:30 AM Arrives at the Spa and spends time in the men's locker room working out.
3:00 PM Leaves the gym section of the Spa, heads home to his room.
5:30 PM Stands in his bedroom
6:00 PM Leaves his house to stand by the dog kennel.
7:30 PM Goes back inside his house and stands in the entryway.
9:00 PM Goes back to his bedroom and stands by his dresser.
10:30 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Leaves farm to go to town.
10:00 AM Arrives at Grandparents House and stands in kitchen.
6:00 PM Heads back to farm.
7:30 PM Arrives back at farmhouse.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Alex vive con i suoi nonni, George e Evelyn. È amico di Haley. Ha anche un cane, Dusty. Puoi trovare il nome di Dusty da Pam o da Alex in una scena tagliata.

(Spoilers) In precedenza ha vissuto con sua madre Clara, con cui aveva una relazione molto stretta. Esprime un profondo odio per suo padre, che era un alcolizzato e verbalmente violento nei suoi confronti. Dodici anni prima dell'arrivo del Giocatore a Pelican Town, Alex si trasferì con George ed Evelyn, dopo che sua madre morì.


Articolo principale: Amicizia
Vedi anche: Elenco di tutti i doni

Puoi dare Alex fino a due doni alla settimana (più uno nel giorno del suo compleano), i quali diminuiranno o aumenteranno la sua amicizia con te. Doni il giorno del suo compleanno (  13 Estate) avranno un effetto 8 volte maggiore e mostreranno un dialogo unico.
Per doni adorati o graditi, Alex dirà

“Oh, ti ricordavi del mio compleanno? Mi stupisci. Grazie.”
“Oh, oggi è il mio compleanno? Sembra di sì. Grazie. Che bello.”

Per i doni normali, Alex dirà

“Per il mio compleanno? Grazie.”

Per doni sgraditi o detestati, Alex dirà

“È il mio compleanno e tu mi regali questo? Cos'è, uno scherzo?”


“Ehi, fortissimo! Adoro questa roba!”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte Ingredienti
Complete Breakfast Ti prepara ad affrontare il mondo! Cooking   Uovo fritto (1)  Latte (1)  Hashbrowns (1)  Frittelle (1)
Salmon Dinner Lo spritz al limone la rende speciale. Cooking   Salmone (1)  Amaranto (1)  Cavolo verde (1)


“Che forte! Grazie.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte

*Nota che l'Uovo di dinosauro è considerato artefatto e non uova da regalare.


Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Chanterelle Un fungo saporito dall'odore fruttato e dal sapore leggermente pepato. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom Ha un leggero gusto di noce, e un buona consistenza. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Un tipico fiore primaverile che può fungere da bel regalo. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Non avrà il più bello dei fiori, ma le foglie sono ottime per l'insalata. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Alla faccia della nocciola! Foraging - Fall
Leek Saporito parente della cipolla. Foraging - Spring
Morel Ricercata per il suo peculiare sapore di noce. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom Un fungo raro che si trova nelle profondità delle caverne. Foraging - The Mines
Snow Yam Questa piccolina si nascondeva sotto la neve. Tilling - Winter
Winter Root Un tubero amidoso. Tilling - Winter

Non piace

“Ehm... Ok. Grazie.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Salmonberry Una bacca primaverile col sapore della foresta. Foraging - Spring
Wild Horseradish Una radice piccante che cresce in primavera. Foraging - Spring


“Ma fai sul serio? Questa è spazzatura.”
Immagine Nome Descrizione Fonte
Holly Le foglie e il rosso acceso delle bacche sono una diffusa decorazione invernale. Foraging - Winter
Quartz Un cristallo chiaro comunemente trovato in caverne e miniere. Foraging - The Mines

Heart Events

Two Hearts


On a sunny summer day, visit the beach when Alex is there.

You see Alex with his gridball. He greets you and tries to toss you the gridball. You fail to catch it. He laughs and says it was a nice try. He goes on to tell you he's sure that he's going to become the first professional gridball player from Stardew Valley. He asks you what you think his chances are.
  • "I believe in you!" (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex thanks you for your support and says that he'll remember it.
  • "Wow, you're really arrogant." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex says you're just a little jealous and leaves.

Four Hearts


Enter town between 9am and 4pm.

Alex is next to the dog pen near his home. He's talking to the dog, whose name is revealed as Dusty. He comments that both he and the dog have been through a lot, and that he feels misunderstood. You come out from behind the Saloon, and Alex asks if you heard any of that.
  • "Yes, I heard everything." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • "Not really... why?" (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)

Either way, he says the reason he lives with his grandparents is because of his dad. His dad was an alcoholic and would verbally abuse Alex, calling him "worthless". One day his dad left, and shortly after that his mother got sick and passed away. Alex goes on to say that he shouldn't dwell on it and doesn't need sympathy. Trying to lighten the mood, Alex offers you the opportunity to see what Dusty will do for a barbecued steak.

Five Hearts


Enter Alex's house when he's there.

You approach him while he stares at his bookcase and laments the fact that he hasn't read a single book in it. He tells you he's worried that he won't get anywhere in life without being knowledgeable, and he feels worthless.
  • "That's crazy. You're a genius!" (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • "We all have our strengths and weaknesses." (+50 amicizia.)
  • "Worthless? Yeah, that about sums it up." (-50 amicizia.)

He decides that if he works hard he can accomplish anything. He suggests that you and him have dinner and discuss philosophy.

Six Hearts


Enter Alex's house when he's there.

He'll express doubt about being able to go pro as a gridball player. He apologizes to you for acting rude and arrogant and appreciates how you stuck with him despite all that. You'll provide some encouragement (no choices necessary) and Alex will return to his strength workout with renewed vigor.

Eight Hearts


On a sunny summer day, visit the beach when Alex is there.

Alex is sitting on the beach crying. You approach him and sit down next to him. He says today is the day his mother died 12 years ago. He regrets not being able to thank her for taking care of him when he was a kid. The only keepsake he has left is his mother's music box. Alex opens it and plays it for the both of you. As the music plays, you see a vision of Alex's mother happily cradling baby Alex in her arms. As the music fades, he asks what you're thinking.
  • "Honor your mother's memory by always doing your best." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex agrees and says that's why he's working so hard to be a professional gridball player.
  • "You shouldn't dwell in the past." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)
  • "I'll always be here for you if you get lonely." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex thanks you and bashfully says you're his best friend in the whole town. If male, he says "You... you're different than other guys. More sensitive. I'm glad."
  • "Get over it. Life is hard for everyone." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.)

After calming down, he says the two of you should head back to town. Before you leave, he nervously asks you not to tell anybody that he was crying. You laugh and walk off while he hurriedly chases after you.

Ten Hearts


Alex will send you a letter to meet him at the Saloon after dark. After receiving the letter, enter the Saloon between 7pm and 10pm.

Alex reserves a private room for your dinner date. Gus plays the violin for you two and Emily will bring in your food.

If the player is female, Alex confesses that he's had a crush on you since the two of you first met, and although his crushes in the past faded away quickly, his feelings for you kept growing. If the player is male, Alex confesses he's been drawn to you since the two of you first met; although he denied these feelings at first, he's now decided to follow his heart.

  • "I feel the same way." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex is elated that the both of you were finally able to admit your feelings to each other. He happily digs into his steak. Dusty suddenly bursts through the window, salivating at the smell of food. Alex laughs.
  • "I'm sorry... I don't feel that way about you." (Nessun effetto sull'amicizia.) Alex is crushed and apologizes for making you uncomfortable. He loses his appetite.

Group Ten-Heart Event



Articolo principale: Matrimonio

Once married, Alex will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also setup a workout space behind the farmhouse where he'll sometimes go to lift weights.

On rainy nights, Alex may offer you dinner: Survival Burger, Dish o' The Sea, Fried Eel, Crispy Bass, or Baked Fish. On days when he stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may make you breakfast: Omelet, Hashbrowns, or Pancakes.




Alex's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Alex's style changed over the years before the game was launched. Alex was previously named Josh.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.1: Added workout area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3: Added group 10-heart event.