Robin building.png
“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. They're kept track of in the quest journal, which can be brought up by clicking the exclamation point icon at the bottom of the date/time display in the upper right of the screen, or by using the hotkey F. Quests are listed in the journal by title, and each quest can be expanded to read the text and requirements for completion. Clicking the X at the top of the window will close it and there's a button under the journal window to cancel the selected quest.

There are two major types of quests, story quests and Help Wanted quests. Story quests are typically received in the mail, but a few are automatically accepted at the beginning of the game to help teach the player about the game. Story quests can be completed at any time after receiving them, there is no time limit or expiration date.

Help Wanted Quests

Example of a randomly generated Help Wanted quest

Every day the bulletin board outside Pierre's General Store may have a randomly generated Help Wanted quest that you can complete in exchange for money and sometimes increased friendship with the quest giver. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a yellow exclamation point floating above it. Rewarded money depends on the number of items/monsters involved, the player's skills, and sometimes a bit of randomness. Once you have accepted a Help Wanted quest you will have 2 days to complete it, the current day and the next.

If a daytime festival occurs during the 2-day period, you may be unable to complete the quest on the festival day, since most shops and homes are "locked". See the Shop Schedules page for more information.


There are 2 Achievements associating with completing Help Wanted Quests.

  • Gofer (Complete 10 'Help Wanted' requests)
  • A Big Help (Complete 40 'Help Wanted' requests)

Earning these achievements unlocks unique Hats at the Abandoned House in Cindersap Forest. In addition, the day after earning "Gofer", Mayor Lewis will send data-sort-value="500"> 500o in the mail. The day after earning "A Big Help", Mayor Lewis will send data-sort-value="2500"> 2 500o in the mail.


There are 4 types of Help Wanted quests that can be posted. There is no penalty for accepting a quest and then not completing it.

Gathering Clint will ask you collect copper, iron, or gold ores, usually 20-40, or coal for him to inspect, or Robin will ask you to gather wood or stone.

Note that it is not necessary to have the requested items in inventory to complete a gathering quest. Once the required number of items have been gathered (as indicated by the counter in the journal), simply talking to the villager who requested the items is sufficient to complete the quest.

Slay Monsters Requires access to The Mines.

Clint, Lewis, Demetrius, or the Wizard will ask you to slay a random number of a specific monster.

Once the required number of monsters have been slain (as indicated by the counter in the journal), talking to the villager who made the request will complete it.

Fishing Demetrius or Willy will ask you to catch from 1-5 of a specific fish from the current season, either to lower the population of that fish or to keep the art of fishing alive.

The reward is the base sell price of the fish × the number of fish requested, and you get to keep the fish.

Note that it is not necessary to have the requested fish in inventory to complete a fishing quest. Once the required number of fish have been caught (as indicated by the counter in the journal), talking to the villager who made the request will complete it.

Item Delivery This is the most common type of Help Wanted quest. Any adult villager that the player has met and can earn friendship with will ask for a random item for various reasons.

This item can be:

Villagers will reward the player with three times the item's normal value, which may make Item Delivery quests a more efficient method of earning money from lower value items than shipping them. The player also earns 150 Friendship points with the requesting villager for completing the quest.

To complete an Item Delivery quest, it is necessary to hand the item to the requestor. Simply having the item in inventory when talking to the requestor will not complete the quest. Note that completing an Item Delivery quest does not count as giving a gift.

Note: Jas, Vincent, Krobus, the Dwarf, and your spouse will never make Delivery requests. Sandy will make Delivery requests once you have access to The Desert.

Bug: The text of a Help Wanted quest may read "Buying 1 <item> at twice the market value!" This is a bug because the reward is always 3× the market value.

List of Story Quests

In addition to quests posted on the "Help Wanted" board, there are several Story Quests unlocked during gameplay. There is no penalty for accepting a Story Quest involving item delivery and then deleting it from your journal without completing it. Story Quests do not count towards the "Gofer" or "A Big Help" Achievements.

Note that the game adds 255 Friendship points for quests that say "1 Friendship heart", rather than exactly 250 points.

Quest Name Quest Text Provided By Requirements Rewards
Presentazioni Sarebbe un gesto carino presentarsi ai paesani. Alcuni potrebbero essere ansiosi di fare la tua conoscenza. Introductory quest 28 people greeted 100 Friendship points (2/5 of a heart) with every known NPC
Farsi degli amici Fare regali è un gran modo per instaurare amicizie. Impara i gusti individuali di ognuno e diverrai popolare in un lampo. Complete "Presentazioni" Fai un regalo a qualcuno. data-sort-value="100"> 100o
Avviarsi Sei vuoi gestire una fattoria, devi partire dalle basi. Usa la zappa per dissodare il terreno, poi usa un pacchetto di semi sul terreno dissodato per seminare una coltura. Annaffia ogni giorno finché la coltura non è pronta per il raccolto. Package in room at start Coltiva e raccogli una pastinaca. data-sort-value="100"> 100o
In spiaggia Un certo Willy ti ha invitato a visitare la spiaggia a sud del paese. Dice che ha qualcosa da darti. Mail, Spring 2 Visita la spiaggia a sud del paese prima delle 5:00 di sera. Canna di Bamboo
Allevare animali Robin, la falegname locale, vive a nord del paese. In cambio di soldi e materie grezze, erigerà nuovi edifici nella tua fattoria. Bisognerà che costruisca una stia o un granaio perché tu possa allevare animali. Complete "Avviarsi" Build a stia.
Note that this quest does not require you to purchase animals.
data-sort-value="100"> 100o
Avanzamento Guadagnando esperienza, scoprirai nuovi processi di creazione oggetti per aumentare i profitti e facilitarti la vita. Ad esempio, uno spaventapasseri impedirà che i corvi si pappino le tue preziose colture. Complete "Avviarsi" Raggiungi il livello 1 in Fattoria e crea uno spaventapasseri. data-sort-value="100"> 100o
Esplora la miniera C'è una vecchia galleria mineraria sui monti a nord del paese. Potresti trovarci dei minerali di valore, ma Marlon ha suggerito che potrebbe essere pericolosa. Enter The Mines. Raggiungi il livello 5 nelle miniere.
Più giù nella miniera Sembra che l'ascensore della miniera funzioni ancora. Ti consentirà di tornare rapidamente a qualunque porta d'ascensore che hai scoperto. Forse è l'ora di una spedizione più in basso. Raggiungi il livello 5 nelle miniere. Raggiungi il livello 40 nelle miniere.
Fino in fondo? Finora non c'è traccia del fondo. Quanto si scende ancora? Raggiungi il livello 40 nelle miniere. Raggiungi il fondo della miniera.
Archeologia Hai trovato un oggetto che sembra antico. Potrebbe essere un qualche artefatto di epoche andate? Forse Gunther, il curatore del museo locale, ha la risposta. Enter the Museum with a mineral or artifact in inventory Donate an item to the Museum. data-sort-value="250"> 250o
Problema di ratti Nel Centro sociale sta accadendo qualcosa di strano... Investiga il Centro sociale Trigger the initial Community Center cutscene by entering Pelican Town from the Bus Stop between 8am and 1pm on a sunny day (Spring 5+) Enter the Community Center and examine the Golden Scroll in the stanza delle arti. The following morning, a letter from the Wizard arrives in the mail, triggering the "Incontra il mago" quest.
Incontra il mago Hai ricevuto una lettera dal mago locale. Sostiene di avere informazioni sul vecchio Centro sociale. The morning after you examine the first golden scroll in the Community Center, you receive a letter from the Wizard saying he has information for you. Entra nella torre del mago. The Wizard gives you a potion that allows you to read the language of the Junimo.
Forgiati la via Se vuoi continuare in miniera, dovresti costruire una fornace. Morning after collecting a Copper Ore, Clint visits and gives you the Furnace blueprints Crea una fornace.
Affinare Ora che hai una fornace, puoi affinare del metallo. Secondo le istruzioni di Clint, se metti 5 pezzi di rame grezzo e 1 di carbone nella fornace, dovrebbe produrre un lingotto di rame. Complete "Forgiati la via" Usa la fornace per forgiare un lingotto di rame.
Iniziazione Hai fatto fuori 10 melme con successo. Ora puoi entrare nella Gilda degli Avventurieri. Mailbox, morning after reaching level 5 in The Mines 10 melme slain in The Mines (Slimes slain in the Boschi segreti do not count towards this quest)

NOTE: In some cases, the quest will become bugged and read "melme" but the actual monster that must be killed to satisfy the quest is a different monster (most commonly a Rock Crab, but may be another monster). One theory for explaining this bug is that the first monster killed becomes the monster that must actually be killed to satisfy the quest.

Hai il permesso di entrare nella Gilda degli Avventurieri.
L'ascia smarrita di Robin Robin ha perso la sua ascia preferita. Ricorda di averla usata l'ultima volta per tagliare legna a sud del ranch di Marnie. Mail, Spring 11
L'ascia di Robin
Trova l'ascia smarrita di Robin. Can be found near the Sewer Pipe in Foresta Linfabrace.
data-sort-value="250"> 250o, 1 Friendship heart
La richiesta di Jodi Jodi ha bisogno di un cavolfiore fresco per una sua ricetta. Ha chiesto a te di portarglielo. Mail, Spring 19 Porta un cavolfiore a Jodi. data-sort-value="350"> 350o, 1 Friendship heart
Le "braghe" del sindaco Il sindaco Lewis ha perso le sue "braghe" viola. Ha chiesto a te di trovarle e ridargliele... Con discrezione. Mail, Summer 3 Trova e riporta al sindaco Lewis le sue braghe viola. Can be found in Marnie's bedroom data-sort-value="750"> 750o, 1 Friendship heart
Cestino di more È il tempo delle more, ma Linus non trova il suo cestino! Ha chiesto a te di aiutarlo. Non ha idea di dove sia. Mail, Fall 8
Il cestino di Linus
Trova il cestino di Linus e riportaglielo. It's in the Backwoods near the entrance to the tunnel, which is to the left of the bus stop.
1 Friendship heart
La richiesta di Marnie Marnie è passata per chiederti di portarle una carota di grotta. Vuole insegnare a parlare alle sue capre, e la carota di grotta è il loro spuntino preferito. She visits the farmhouse after you are at 3 Friendship hearts with her Porta una carota di grotta al negozio di Marnie. 100 Friendship points
Pam ha sete Pam brama una malto chiaro. La birra normale non va. Puoi fermentartene una da te sei hai del luppolo e un barilotto. Mail, Summer 14 Porta a Pam una malto chiaro. data-sort-value="350"> 350o, 1 Friendship heart
Un reagente oscuro Il mago vuole che tu scenda nelle miniere e gli trovi un'Essenza del Vuoto. Gli serve per qualche tipo di magia oscura. Mail, Winter 12 Porta al mago un'Essenza del Vuoto. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000o, 1 Friendship heart
Delizia bovina Marnie vuole fare un dono speciale alle sue mucche. Le serve un mazzo d'amaranto. Mail, Fall 3 Porta un mazzo d'amaranto a Marnie. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
La Chiave del teschio Hai trovato una chiave strana in fondo alle miniere. Raggiungi il fondo della miniera. Scopri a cosa serve la Chiave del teschio. Access to the Caverna del teschio in il deserto.
Ricerca sulle colture Demetrius ha bisogno di un melone fresco per la sua ricerca. Mail, Summer 20 Porta un melone a Demetrius. data-sort-value="550"> 550o, 1 Friendship heart
Terapia al ginocchio George ha bisogno di un peperoncino per placare il suo ginocchio dolorante. Mail, Summer 25 Porta un peperoncino a George. data-sort-value="200"> 200o, 1 Friendship heart
La richiesta di Robin Robin ti ha scritto, chiedendoti del legno duro. Mail, Winter 21 Porta a Robin 10 pezzi di legno duro. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
La sfida di Qi Qi ti ha sfidato a raggiungere il livello 25 nella Caverna del teschio. Ti promette un premio sostanzioso in caso di successo. Received by mail the day after entering the Skull Cavern. Raggiungi il livello 25 nella Caverna del teschio. data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000o, delivered by mail the next day
Il misterioso Qi Dentro una cassetta di sicurezza segreta, hai trovato un biglietto con istruzioni peculiari. È firmato 'Mr. Qi'. Put a batteria in the lock-box in the tunnel next to the bus stop. Lascia una conchiglia arcobaleno nella cassa alla piattaforma ferroviaria.
Hai trovato un altro biglietto scritto da 'Mr. Qi'. Stavolta la richiesta è ancora più insolita. Complete "La sfida di Qi" first quest Piazza 10 barbabietole nel frigo del sindaco Lewis.
Hai trovato ancora un altro biglietto strano nel frigo del sindaco. Stavolta, le istruzioni sono più criptiche. Complete "La sfida di Qi" second quest "Dai al drago delle sabbie il suo pasto finale." (Put a essenza solare in the sand dragon's mouth in il deserto.)
Hai trovato un altro biglietto nell'occhio del drago delle sabbie. Sembra che la strana caccia al tesoro di Mr. Qi sia giunta al termine. Complete "La sfida di Qi" third quest Ispeziona la pila di legname accanto a casa tua. Club Card, which gives you access to the Casino in Oasis.
Intagliare zucche Caroline vuole intagliare una zucca con sua figlia. Ti ha chiesto di portargliene una della tua fattoria. Mail, Fall 19 Porta una zucca a Caroline. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
Mistero d'inverno Hai incontrato una figura sospetta alla fermata dell'autobus. Quando ti ha visto, è fuggita verso il paese. Ci sarà un indizio su dove si trovi? Mail, after triggering the cutscene by entering the Bus Stop from the Farm during Winter between 6am and 4pm Interact with the bush to the right of the playground in Pelican Town Lente d'ingrandimento
Strano biglietto Hai trovato un biglietto, a malapena leggibile, che ti chiede di portare "siropo daccero" ai "boski zereti". Mail, after reading Secret Note #23 Enter the Boschi segreti between 6am and 7pm with sciroppo d'acero in inventory to trigger a cutscene. Sapienza dell'orso
Biglietto criptico Hai trovato un biglietto che dice "Qualcuno ti aspetta al livello 100 nella Caverna del teschio" Reading Secret Note #10 Raggiungi il livello 100 nella Caverna del teschio Mr. Qi awards you with "latte della serpe d'iridio", which permanently increases salute by 25 points.
Fresh Fruit Emily wants a taste of spring. She's asking for a fresh apricot. Mail, Spring 6, Year 2 Bring Emily an Apricot. data-sort-value="600"> 600o, 1 Friendship heart
Aquatic Research Demetrius is studying the toxin levels of the local pufferfish. He'd like you to bring him one. Mail, Summer 6, Year 2 Bring Demetrius a Pufferfish. data-sort-value="750"> 750o, 1 Friendship heart
Note that the mail request states the reward will be data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000o, but fulfulling the quest rewards the player with only data-sort-value="750"> 750o.
A Soldier's Star Kent wants to give his wife a starfruit for their anniversary. Mail, Summer 15, Year 2 Bring Kent a starfruit. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
Mayor's Need Mayor Lewis wants truffle oil. He won't explain what it's for. Maybe it's none of your business. Mail, Summer 21, Year 2 Bring Lewis a bottle of Truffle Oil. data-sort-value="750"> 750o, 1 Friendship heart
Wanted: Lobster Gus put out a notice requesting a fresh lobster. Mail, Fall 6, Year 2 Bring Gus a Lobster. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
Pam Needs Juice Pam's TV remote is dead. She's having a tough time going back and forth between the couch and the TV dial. Mail, Fall 19, Year 2 Bring Pam a Battery Pack. data-sort-value="400"> 400o, 1 Friendship heart
Fish Casserole Jodi swung by the farm to ask you to dinner at 7:00 PM. Her only request was that you bring a Largemouth Bass for her fish casserole. Event - Jodi at 4 Hearts; Exit the Farmhouse between 6am and 9:30am on a Monday to trigger the event Enter Jodi's house with a Largemouth Bass at 7:00 PM on a day of your choice (not a festival day). Event Scene
Catch a Squid Willy is challenging you to catch a squid. He says you can fish them from the ocean on winter nights. Mail, Winter 2 Bring Willy a Squid. data-sort-value="800"> 800o, 1 Friendship heart
Fish Stew Gus wants to make fish stew, but he needs an albacore. Mail, Winter 26 Bring Gus an Albacore. data-sort-value="400"> 400o, 1 Friendship heart
Pierre's Notice Pierre will pay "top coin" to whoever brings him a plate of sashimi. Apparently he's really craving the stuff. Mail, Spring 21, Year 2 Bring Pierre some Sashimi. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000o, 1 Friendship heart
Clint's Attempt Clint wants you to give Emily an amethyst. He wants you to tell her it's from him. Mail, Winter 6 Bring Emily an Amethyst. 1 Friendship heart with Emily
A Favor For Clint Clint got a new hammer and he wants to test it out on a variety of metals. Mail, Winter 17 Bring Clint an Iron Bar. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
Staff of Power The Wizard is creating a staff of phenomenal power. Who knows what it's for. He needs an iridium bar to finish it. Mail, Winter 5, Year 2 Bring Wizard an Iridium Bar. data-sort-value="5000"> 5 000o, 1 Friendship heart
Granny's Gift Evelyn wants to surprise her husband with a gift. Mail, Spring 15, Year 2 Bring Evelyn a Leek. data-sort-value="500"> 500o, 1 Friendship heart
Exotic Spirits Gus wants to make a Coco-no-no, but he's missing the main ingredient. Mail, Winter 19, Year 2 Bring Gus a Coconut. data-sort-value="600"> 600o, 1 Friendship heart
Catch a Lingcod Willy is challenging you to catch a Lingcod. Mail, Winter 13, Year 2 Bring Willy a Lingcod. (Does not have to be caught after accepting the quest, unlike "Help Wanted" quests.) data-sort-value="550"> 550o, 1 Friendship heart
Dark Talisman The Wizard asked me to retrieve the magic ink from his ex-wife's house... but to gain access I'll need a dark talisman. Enter the sewer and ask Krobus about the dark talisman. Railroad cutscene (after completing Community Center or Joja Warehouse tasks) Speak to Krobus and then venture through to the Mutant Bug Lair to retrieve the talisman. Return to the cave at the Railroad with it once it's collected. Access to Witch's Swamp
Goblin Problem There's a goblin blocking the path to the Witch's hut. There must be some way to get him to move... Perhaps I should seek out more information on Goblins. Through the cave by the Railroad after completing the Dark Talisman quest. Speak to the Henchman outside the Witch's hut and give him Void Mayonnaise as a gift. Take the Magic Ink from the Witch's Hut and give it to the Wizard. Wizard buildings available. Dark shrines now accessible in Witch's Hut.


Gathering quests can be completed using fewer than the required item, and/or by using items already in inventory before accepting the quest. Note that these exploits do not work for Fishing quests.

  • Cheat #1: If you place the items in a chest and remove them one-by-one (by right-clicking), they will count towards the quest. Even one item can be placed in a chest and removed repeatedly to satisfy the quest requirements.
  • Cheat #2: Separate part of a stack of the required item in inventory by right clicking on it, leaving at least one in each stack. Then select one stack, and click outside the inventory window (not on the trashcan) to drop one of the stacks on the ground. It will be immediately taken back into inventory, and then be counted towards the quest. Repeat this process until the journal indicates that the required number of items have been gathered.


  • There is an unimplemented quest reward in Data/Mail.xnb indicating Mayor Lewis would send you data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000o, apparently after completing 100 Help Wanted quests.
  • If you decide to purchase Joja Cola instead of Fishing for it, the cost for one can is 75g, exactly the same as the reward the NPC will give you. Therefore, it will net you 0 gold, although it might still be beneficial to do it for friendship points.


  • 1.3: Added 3 quests related to Secret Notes: A Winter Mystery, Strange Note, and Cryptic Note.