Vulcano Dungeon

Versione del 15 lug 2024 alle 11:20 di Connorhu (discussione | contributi) (updated hungarian link)
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“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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Ultima modifica di Connorhu del 2024-07-15 11:20:21.

Volcano Dungeon's Entryway

The Volcano Dungeon is located inside the volcano at the north end of Ginger Island, accessed through a large cave on the south side of the volcano. The dungeon consists of ten floors through which the player must proceed in sequence to reach the Forge, thereby "completing" the dungeon.

Entering the cave, the player faces a lava river, across which lies the Volcano Dungeon. On the west side of the entryway is a pool of water. On its east side is a gate, initially locked, with a button on the floor to the south through the gate, out of reach.

To cross the lava river and enter the dungeon, pour water on it with the watering can, creating a pathway to walk on. A steel (or higher) watering can is able to cover 5 squares in line, enough to build a bridge with a single tool use. The path remains for the length of the day, but disappears every night. After the player completes the dungeon, a parrot offers to build a permanent bridge in exchange for 5 Golden Walnuts.

Once across the lava river, the player can proceed north through the doorway to enter the first floor of the dungeon.

Passage Through the Dungeon

Unlike the Skull Cavern or The Mines, the Volcano Dungeon does not have ladders for instant exits or descent through floors. Instead, the player must find the doorway that leads to the next floor on each floor. Exit from the dungeon is accomplished by retracing the path through the floors and up to the cave's entryway, except by means of Warp Totems or Return Scepter. A player who passes out at 2am in the Volcano Dungeon awakens the next day in the Island Farmhouse and the game deducts data-sort-value="2500"> 2 500o from available funds.

Within the dungeon, the player will encounter a variety of monsters, and may find Mystic Stones or other mining nodes that yield Cinder Shards, gems, or ores (including iridium). Floor nine always contains a chest. Unlike the Mines or Skull Cavern, the game populates each floor with these items only once each day. Leaving and reentering the dungeon does not cause re-spawning on the same day.

Once the parrot appears on floor five, it can create a special dungeon exit (hole in the floor) for 5 Golden Walnuts. This exit takes the player outside to the east side of the volcano, next to the Parrot Express. Once outside, the player cannot reenter at floor five, but must start again by entering the cave.

Floor 10

The Forge is located at the end of the Volcano Dungeon. There is a chest containing 1 Prismatic Shard upon the player's first visit, which does not respawn when taken.

There is also an open doorway in the southwest corner that takes the player back to the far side of the gate at the entryway to the cave. Once there, the player must step on the button on the floor to permanently open the entryway gate, allowing passage in either direction thereafter. Thus, completing the dungeon permits direct access to the Forge.


The volcano dungeon holds a unique set of Monsters.

Image Monster HP Damage Notes
Dwarvish Sentry 300 18 Has a chance to spawn when a crate is broken. May drop gems on death.
False Magma Cap 290 15 Replicates the rock crab's behavior. Almost always drops a Magma Cap on death, and can occasionally drop Cinder Shards.
Hot Head 215 18 At low HP or death, it becomes a bomb that will explode quickly. May drop Solar Essence on death.
Lava Lurk 220 15 Shoots 4 fireballs that will travel through walls. May drop Bone Fragment or Dragon Tooth on death. Possible to kill when the Lava Lurk is within two spaces of the edge of the lava pool.
Magma Sprite 220 15 May drop Cinder Shard on death.
Magma Sparker 310 15 Can inflict Burnt debuff on player. May drop Cinder Shard on death.
Magma Duggy 380 16 May drop Taro Tuber, Cinder Shard, or Mega Bomb on death.
Tiger Slime 415 23 May drop Tiger Hat, Ginger, Taro Tuber, Pineapple Seeds, or Mango Sapling on death.

Special Floors

Volcano Caldera

Floor 10 of the dungeon contains the Forge. Players can pay Cinder Shards to use various gems on their weapons and equipment, giving enhancements and enchantments. This floor has an exit to the volcano's entry in the southwest corner. Players can fish in the magma area to get Lava Eel, Trash, and the painting 'Physics 101'. After achieving Perfection, a secret hat can be obtained by interacting with a red monkey in the Volcano Caldera.

Gated Doors

On some floors in the dungeon, the gateway to the next floor may be blocked behind a gate. The gate has small colored dots to indicate the state of the locks that control its opening: red for locked, green for unlocked. The gate opens once all dots are green, and the player can then move to the next floor.

The gate is activated by 1 to 3 pressure pads. Standing on the pad will push it downward making the red dot become a green dot. The player must search for all of these pads throughout the current floor to reach the next floor.

Mushroom Floors

A mushroom floor.

In the Volcano Dungeon, mushroom floors are filled with Magma Caps and False Magma Caps, which will come to life and attack the player when they are close by. There are also mushroom husks that can be cut through like grass.


Some floors have islands surrounded by lava. Occasionally pressure pads, treasure chests, or useful mining nodes will spawn on the islands. To reach them, use the watering can to pour water on the lava and create a bridge. Fishing inside the dungeon is not possible.


There are two types of treasure chests that can spawn randomly, common and rare. The chance for a chest to be rare is significantly higher on the 9th floor and is also affected by Luck.

Common Chests

A common chest
Image Name Description Quantity Chance
Cinder Shard Percepisci un tiepido bagliore dentro questa pietra. 1 1/7*
Golden Coconut Questa noce sarà dura da spaccare, ma un professionista potrebbe riuscire ad aprirla. 1 1/7*
Taro Tuber Piantalo in climi caldi. Matura in 10 giorni. Cresce più in fretta se piantato vicino a uno specchio d'acqua. 8 1/7*
Pineapple Seeds Piantali in climi caldi. Maturano in 14 giorni, e continuano a produrre dopo il primo raccolto. 5 1/7*
Protection Ring Resti invulnerabile un poco più a lungo dopo aver subito danni. 1 1/7*
Soul Sapper Ring Ottieni un po' d'energia ad ogni mostro ucciso. 1 1/7*
Dwarf Sword 1 1/21*
Dwarf Hammer 1 1/21*
Dwarf Dagger 1 1/21*

Rare Chests

A rare chest
Image Name Description Quantity Chance
Cinder Shard Percepisci un tiepido bagliore dentro questa pietra. 10 1/9*
Mermaid Boots Le scaglie di sirena danno a questi stivali un'aura protettiva. 1 1/9*
Dragonscale Boots Questi stivali lucenti sono estremamente robusti. 1 1/9*
Golden Coconut Questa noce sarà dura da spaccare, ma un professionista potrebbe riuscire ad aprirla. 3 1/9*
Phoenix Ring Riacquisti un po' di salute dopo aver perso i sensi in combattimento, ma solo una volta al giorno. 1 1/9*
Hot Java Ring Aumenta di molto le probabilità di trovare dei caffè uccidendo mostri. 1 1/9*
Deluxe Pirate Hat Un look che si addice solo al più temibile dei pirati. 1 1/9*
Ostrich Egg Potrebbe essere l'uovo più grande del mondo. 1 1/9*
Dragontooth Cutlass 1 1/27*
Dragontooth Club 1 1/27*
Dragontooth Shiv 1 1/27*

*It is impossible to get a Golden Coconut from either chest before one is cracked. Therefore, the probability of other loot before it is cracked is 1/6 for items and 1/18 for the weapons in the common chests, while in rare chests it is 1/8 for items and 1/24 for weapons.

Metal Crates

Containers in the Volcano Dungeon always contain either a Dwarvish Sentry or random loot when destroyed. At most one type of item will be dropped by a crate, although one stack may contain multiple items.

Content Chance
  Sentinella nanica 23.57%
  Noce dorata (limited) 10%
  Ametista 8.57%
  Carbone (1-2) 8.57%
  Rame grezzo (2-5) 8.57%
  Oro grezzo (1-3) 8.57%
  Legno duro (2-5) 8.57%
  Ferro grezzo (2-5) 8.57%
  Omni-Geode (1-2) 4.11%
  Carota di grotta (1-2) 3%
  Smeraldo 3%
  Rubino 3%
  Topazio 3%
  Scheggia di brace 1.11%
  Esca della curiosità 1.11%
  Diamante 1.11%
  Iridio grezzo 1.11%
  Semi di ananas (1-2) 1.11%
  Tubero di taro (1-3) 1.11%
  Teletra-Totem: Fattoria 1.11%
  Teletra-Totem: Isola 1.11%

Golden Walnuts

Up to 17 Golden Walnuts can be obtained by mining or killing monsters in the Volcano Dungeon. In particular:

  • Up to 5 Golden Walnuts can be obtained by breaking rocks.
  • Up to 5 Golden Walnuts can be obtained by killing enemies.
  • Up to 5 Golden Walnuts can be obtained by breaking metal crates.
  • Up to 1 Golden Walnut can be obtained by opening a common chest.
  • Up to 1 Golden Walnut can be obtained by opening a rare chest.


Dwarf Shop

On floor 5 of the dungeon, there is a dwarf that runs a small shop and a pool where the Player can refill their Watering Can. Three crates are always present on this floor. Monsters cannot spawn here, but a Dwarvish Sentry can still spawn when a crate is broken. The crate closest to the dwarf always drops a gold quality Magma Cap, assuming it is not empty.

It is not possible to trade with the dwarf without having the Dwarvish Translation Guide.

In addition to the standard stock, the shop also offers one of two Food items every day.

Image Name Description Price Day Sold/Chance of being sold
Cinderclown Shoes Queste scarpe magiche appartenevano a un famoso giullare nanico.   Scheggia di brace (100) Every day
The Diamond Hunter Tutte le pietre hanno una chance di contenere un diamante se spaccate a mano.   Diamante (10)
Cherry Bomb Genera una piccola esplosione. Indietro! data-sort-value="300"> 300o Every day
Bomb Genera un'esplosione. Attenzione! data-sort-value="600"> 600o Every day
Mega Bomb Genera una potente esplosione. Da usare con estrema cautela. data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000o Every day
Roots Platter Ti darà la voglia di dissotterrarne ancora. data-sort-value="1200"> 1 200o 50%
Super Meal Un piatto veramente energizzante. data-sort-value="1200"> 1 200o 50%
Pink Bow Un enorme fiocco per chi ha decisamente qualcosa da dire! data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000o 25%
Warp Totem: Island Recipe Una ricetta per fare Warp Totem: Island data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000o Every day (until purchased)
Ginger Ale Recipe Una ricetta per fare Ginger Ale data-sort-value="1000"> 1 000o Every day (until purchased)


  • No mail is generated when a player passes out at 2AM in the Volcano Dungeon.


  • 1.5: Introduced.
  • 1.6: Added The Diamond Hunter book to shop inventory.