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10 616 byte aggiunti ,  20:51, 7 gen 2023
Sostituzione testo - "{{Spoiler}} " con ""
Riga 1: Riga 1:  
|name  = Artifact Spot
|eng      = Artifact tile
|image  = Artifact_tile.gif
|ext      = gif
|season = All [[Seasons]]
|season   = All
|sellprice = n/a
An '''Artifact Spot''' (also known as '''worms''', '''stems''', or '''twigs''') is a tile found in places where the ground can be tilled with a [[Hoes|Hoe]]. It has a chance to drop [[Artifacts]], [[Lost Books]], [[Mixed Seeds]], [[Stone]], [[Copper Ore]], [[Gold Ore]], or [[Clay]] when tilled. They are much more common in [[Winter]], when they may also drop [[Snow Yam]]s or [[Winter Root]]s.
Un '''Punto Artefatto''' (anche conosciuto come '''vermi''', '''steli''', o '''ramoscelli''') è una zolla che è garantita dare un oggetto quando è scavata con una [[Zappe|Zappa]] (altri attrezzi non funzionano).
Una varietà di oggetti che dipendono dalla posizione può essere ottenuta dai punti artefatto; essi sono una fonte chiave di [[Artefatti]] e [[Libri perduti]]. I punti artefatto sono molto più comuni in [[Inverno]], durante il quale possono anche fornire [[Radice invernale]] e [[Patata dolce delle nevi]].
I possibili contenuti di un punto artefatto dipendono dalla loro posizione nella mappa. L'oggetto specifico fornito da ogni punto artefatto è fisso per una tale giornata, anche se la giornata viene ricaricata.<ref name="contents" /> Nonostante ciò, l'oggetto può cambiare la giornata successiva (assumendo che il punto artefatto non sparisca durante la notte). Usare una [[Zappe|Zappa]] con l' incantamento [[Forgia#Incantamento degli attrezzi|Archaeologist]] raddoppia la probabilità di trovare un artefatto.
L'insieme degli oggetti possibili contenuti in un punto artefatto è controllato con un elenco, nell'ordine sottostante.  La probabilità di trovare un oggetto successivo nella lista varia a seconda di quali oggetti precedenti rimangono possibili da trovare.
* 20-32% di chance di trovare un [[Libri perduti|Libro Perduto].<ref name="lost_book"/> Impossibile nella [[Fattoria]]. Da notare che una volta che ogni libro perduto è stato trovato, ogni potenziale libro perduto viene sostituito da dei [[Semi misti]].
* Vari [[Artefatti]], a seconda della posizione. Da notare che alcuni artefatti non possono essere ottenuti da dei punti artefatto (ovvero, Pergamene Naniche, [[Elmo nanico]], [[Congegno nanico]], [[Disco raro]] e [[Coda scheletrica]]).
* Solamente in [[Inverno]]: 28-50% di chance di trovare una [[Radice invernale]] o una [[Patata dolce delle nevi]] (Radice invernale è 50% più probabile di una Patata dolce delle nevi in ogni località). Impossibile nel [[Il deserto|Deserto]].
* Solamente durante la missione [[Missioni#Qi's Crop|Qi's Crop]]: 25% di chance di trovare 2-5 [[Fagiolo Qi|Fagioli Qi]].
* Solamente in [[Primavera]]: 3-6% di chance di trovare 1-5 [[Spara di riso|Spare di riso]].  Impossibile nel [[Il deserto|Deserto]] or nella [[La spiaggia|spiaggia]].
* Solamente dopo aver completato l'ordine speciale di [[Gunther]] "[[Missioni#Fragments of the past|Frammenti del passato]]", 20% di chance di trovare 2-5 [[Frammento d'osso|Frammenti d'osso]].
* Una lista di oggetti che dipendono dalla posizione. Alcuni artefatti possono comparire in tale lista, ma la maggior parte degli oggetti sono risorse. Le percentuali fornite sono valide per le stagioni Estate e Primavera (i valori sono generalmente più bassi del 50% in inverno e del 6% in primavera).
** 1-3 [[Rame grezzo]]: [[Pelican Town]] (14%), [[Ferrovia]] (11%), [[Fermata dell'autobus]] (9%), [[Boschi sul retro]] (7%), [[Foresta Linfabrace]] (5%), [[Le montagne]] (5%)
** 1-3 [[Carbone]]: [[Boschi sul retro]] (5%), [[Le montagne]] (4%), [[La fattoria]] (4%)
** 1-3 [[Oro grezzo]]: [[La spiaggia]] (4%)
** 1-3 [[Pietra]]: dappertutto (8-20% a seconda della posizione)
** 1-3 [[Argilla]]: dappertutto (24-60% a seconda della posizione)
** Un [[Messaggi segreti|Messaggio segreto]]: fino a 5% di chance, ma solo se il giocatore possiede una [[Lente d'ingrandimento]]<ref name="secret_note" />
** A partire dalla giornata [[Estate]] 1 dell'anno 1:  10% di chance che 1 [[Teletra-Totem: Fattoria]], [[Teletra-Totem: Montagne]], o [[Teletra-Totem: Spiaggia]] possono rimpiazzare l'[[Argilla]]
===Sull'Isola Zenzero===
|'''Isola Nord'''<ref name="islandnorth" />
*1 [[Teschio di serpente]] (10%)
*1-4 [[Bone Fragment]]s (22.5%) (Number of fragments increases with [[Luck]] and [[Skills#Mining|Mining]] level)
'''Island South'''<ref name="islandsouth" />
*1 [[Fossilized Ribs]] (25%)
'''Island West'''<ref name="islandwest" />
*1 [[Snake Skull]] (10%)
*1 [[Snake Vertebrae]] (22.5%)
|style="width: 24px;"|
|style="vertical-align: top;"|'''Anywhere'''<ref name="gingerisleany" />
*1 [[Golden Coconut]] (10%) (Greater chance after a golden coconut was cracked)
*2-4 [[Taro Tuber]]s (33%) (29.7% after a golden coconut was cracked)
*1-2 [[Artifact Trove]]s (10%) (9% after a golden coconut was cracked)
*1 [[Mahogany Seed]] (5%)
*1 [[Wild Bait]] (10%)
*1 [[Omni Geode]] (100%)
Overnight, artifact spots randomly spawn in exterior locations at a rate that is highly dependent upon the map.<ref name="day_update" /> Average spawn rates range from 0.1/day ([[Cindersap Forest]], [[Bus Stop]]) to 1/day ([[The Desert|Desert]]). Other than during [[Winter]], artifact spots only appear in tillable soil, ''i.e.,'' yellow/brown tiles that can be tilled with a [[Hoes|Hoe]].  In Winter, the artifact spot spawn rate is higher and they can also appear in grass-type tiles (''i.e.,'' tiles that are colored green during non-winter months; this designation is not based on whether or not harvestable [[Grass]] is growing). Winter-time average spawn rates range from 0.4/day ([[Railroad]]) to 1.4/day ([[The Desert|Desert]]).
The primary limit on the chance of artifact spots appearing is the fraction of map tiles that are valid locations, which is why the likelihood varies significantly between maps (it's also one reason why they're more common in winter).  Existing artifact spots also limit the spawn rate, because new spots are only possible when the existing number is less than a threshold value. In general, the threshold limiting value for spawning new artifact spots is two; on [[the Farm]] the threshold is one. In [[Winter]], the threshold for existing artifact spots for all locations increases to five; however, spawning is calculated after possible [[#Removal|removal]] of any existing spots, so artifact spots that are left in place do not necessarily completely prevent new spawning.
Artifact spots never spawn in hidden tiles behind buildings, bushes, non-removable trees, or other permanent features.  However, they can spawn in difficult-to-see locations behind removable trees (ones the player can chop down).  Artifact spots also never spawn in tiles where other objects are present (chests, trees, equipment, weeds, debris, etc.), or in any tilled soil (anywhere a crop is planted or could be planted).  Thus, placing equipment or planting trees in tillable soil can reduce the chance of artifact spots spawning, but only if a large fraction of the tiles is occupied.
If the player does not dig up an artifact spot, it is likely to remain in place for multiple days.  Normally, there is a 15% chance of any artifact spot disappearing overnight, but the chance increases at the end of a season (28%) and Sunday morning (39%).<ref name="day_update" /><ref name="removal" />  Also, all winter-time artifact spots that spawned on grass-type tiles are always removed at the end of the winter.
Other that the odds of disappearance and removal, artifact spots do not get destroyed.  For example, [[villagers]] and farm [[animals]] can walk through tiles containing artifact spots without damaging them or otherwise altering them.
Digging up an artifact spot also tills the soil. Off the farm, tilled artifact spots always revert to standard tillable soil overnight.  On the farm, tilled soil typically remains in place until the end of the season.  To immediately restore standard tillable soil an [[Axes|Axe]] or [[Pickaxes|Pickaxe]] must be used on the tile.
* The [[Skills#Foraging|Tracker]] profession can make it easier to find artifact spots, by adding small yellow arrows pointing to any off-screen artifact spots.
* The [[Forge#Tool enchantments|Archaeologist]] enchantment doubles the likelihood of finding an [[Artifacts|artifact]] in an artifact spot.
* The [[Forge#Tool enchantments|Generous]] enchantment gives a 50% chance of a double item from an artifact spot.
* Many players call them worms, but their internal name is Artifact Spot and an episode of [[Livin' Off The Land]] describes them as "little brown stems":<br />[[File:Artifact Spot Tip.png|580px]]
* Many players call them worms, but their internal name is Artifact Spot. An episode of [[Livin' Off The Land]] describes them as "little brown stems":<br />[[File:Artifact Spot Tip.png|580px]]
* If players don't dig up an artifact spot, it has a chance to respawn in the same place the next day.  
<ref name="contents">The contents of an Artifact Spot are determined by <samp>GameLocation::digUpArtifactSpot</samp>, using data from <samp>ObjectInformation.xnb</samp> (for artifacts) and <samp>Locations.xnb</samp> (for extra items). The random number generator is seeded by the save game ID, the days played, and the location. Each item is checked sequentially to see whether a random number is less than the item's specified chance; the first item that succeeds is the one found. One result of this algorithm is that the actual chance of finding a given item is smaller than the value in the input file, because it can only be found if all previous artifacts failed their tests. Extra items are affected the most strongly, because they are checked last, and therefore they are less likely in winter (by 50%) and in spring (by 6.25%).</ref>
<ref name="lost_book">All locations (other than the Farm) have a fixed 20% chance of spawning a lost book.  Although <samp>GameLocation::digUpArtifactSpot</samp> does this check after scanning for artifacts from <samp>ObjectInformation.xnb</samp>, a Lost Book overrides any previously-found artifact and therefore is effectively given precedence. Most locations also have a secondary check for a Lost Book based on the data in <samp>Locations.xnb</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="day_update">Artifact Spots are spawned and destroyed by <samp>GameLocation::spawnObjects</samp>. Note that <samp>GameLocation::dayUpdate</samp> can call <samp>GameLocation::spawnObjects</samp> multiple times on some days (three calls on Sunday; two calls on first day of the month; two calls on each of first three days of game).  Therefore spawn rates and removal rates can be nearly three times faster on some days.</ref>
<ref name="removal">The removal algorithm is fully random (it does not use a seeded random number generator), so which artifact spots disappear at the end of a day can change if the entire day is replayed.</ref>
<ref name="secret_note">Once the player has a [[Magnifying Glass]], any [[Clay]] found in an artifact spot has a chance of being replaced by an unseen [[Secret Notes|Secret Note]]. If the player has seen all possible secret notes, Clay is found. The chance of being replaced ranges from 1.3% to 9% depending upon how many notes have been seen, see <samp>GameLocation::tryToCreateUnseenSecretNote</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="islandnorth">See <samp>StardewValley.Locations.IslandNorth::digUpArtifactSpot</samp> in the game code</ref>
<ref name="islandsouth">See <samp>StardewValley.Locations.IslandSouth::digUpArtifactSpot</samp> in the game code</ref>
<ref name="islandwest">See <samp>StardewValley.Locations.IslandWest::digUpArtifactSpot</samp> in the game code</ref>
<ref name="gingerisleany">See <samp>StardewValley.Locations.IslandLocation::digUpArtifactSpot</samp> in the game code, and <samp>Data\Locations.xnb</samp></ref>
* On rainy days the artifact spots will be dry when hoed, whereas other tillable soil would be wet.
{{History|1.4|Fixed bug causing dry tilled soil left by artifact spots on rainy days. Fixed bug preventing certain artifacts from appearing in artifact spots. Artifact spots on grass now removed at end of winter.}}
{{History|1.5|[[Forge#Tool enchantments|Archaeologist]] and [[Forge#Tool enchantments|Generous]] enchantments added.  Warp Totems can now replace Clay.}}
[[Category:Bugs tested in 1.3.36]]
[[en:Artifact Spot]]
[[es:Lugar de artefacto]]
[[es:Lugar de artefacto]]
[[fr:Lieu d'artefacts]]
[[fr:Lieu d'artefacts]]
[[en:Artifact Spot]]
[[ko:유물 위치]]
[[ko:유물 위치]]
Riga 26: Riga 104:  
[[pt:Ponto de artefato]]
[[pt:Ponto de artefato]]
[[ru:Место для артефакта]]
[[ru:Место для артефакта]]
[[tr:Eser]]<!-- ??? =Art/Work ??? -->
[[tr:Eser Noktası]]
114 164


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