Riso non macinato

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Riso non macinato
Unmilled Rice.png
Il riso nella sua forma più grezza. Esegui questo attraverso un mulino per aumentare il valore.
Semi Rice Shoot.png Spara di riso
Tempo di crescita 8 giorni (6 se irrigato)
Stagione Spring.png Primavera
Punti esperienza 7 PE Fattoria
Energia / Salute
Health FR.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Health FR.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Health FR.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Health FR.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Prezzi di vendita
Base Tiller.png Dissodatore (+10%)
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png
Prezzi di vendita artigianali
Base Artisan.png Artigiano (+40%)
Brown Juice.png
Brown Pickles.png
Brown Juice.png
Brown Pickles.png

Riso non macinato è una Coltura (Verdura) Che cresce dai Spara di riso dopo 8 giorni (6 se irrigato). Il riso non macinato viene raccolto utilizzando una Falce.

Il giocatore hà la possibilità di produrre Riso dal riso non macinato utilizzando un Mulino. Una volta messo nel Macina, un Riso Non Macinato produrrà un Riso. Il riso apparirà nella scatola sul lato destro del Mulino la mattina seguente.

I spara di riso piantati nella maggior parte delle caselle della fattoria impiegano 8 giorni per maturare. I spara di riso piantati approssimativamente entro 3 caselle da una fonte d'acqua (come uno stagno o un fiume) in qualsiasi direzione sono considerati irrigati. Non è necessario che le risaie siano continue tra loro o adiacenti all'acqua per essere considerate irrigate. I spara di riso irrigati maturano in 6 giorni.


Una volta raccolto, ogni spara di riso fornisce un riso non lavorato, con una probabilità del 10% di produrre un riso extra non macinato. Con l'abilità agricoltura al livello 10, c'è un'ulteriore probabilità del 50% di far cadere un altro riso non macinato.

Stadio 1 Stadio 2 Stadio 3 Stadio 4 Raccolta
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 5.png
1 giorno 1-2 giorni 1-2 giorni 3 giorni Total: 6-8 giorni

Calendario di crescita della coltura

Base non Irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Base Irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Comparazione tra Esperto d'agraria e Crescipresto - Non Irrigato 
Speed-Gro.png Crescipresto Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Crescipresto deluxe Hyper Speed-Gro.png Iper-Crescipresto
10%* non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
25% non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
33% non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
*Nota che la tabella 10% si applica anche alla professione Esperto d'agraria senza alcun fertilizzante.
Agriculturist.png Esperto d'agraria
20% non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
35% non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
43% non irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Comparazione tra Esperto d'agraria e Crescipresto - Irrigato 
Speed-Gro.png Crescipresto Deluxe Speed-Gro.png Crescipresto deluxe Hyper Speed-Gro.png Iper-Crescipresto
10%* irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 2.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
25% irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
33% irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
*Nota che la tabella 10% si applica anche alla professione Esperto d'agraria senza alcun fertilizzante.
Agriculturist.png Esperto d'agraria
20% irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 3.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
35% irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
43% irrigato
Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom
Unmilled Rice Stage 1.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png
Unmilled Rice.png
Unmilled Rice Stage 4.png


Reazioni dei paesani

Sgradito Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusWizard Icon.png MagoMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruDwarf Icon.png NanoPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png Willy
Detestato Leo Icon.png leo


Non utilizzato in nessun set.


Immagine Nome Descrizione Ingredienti Attrezzatura Tempo Prezzo di vendita
Riso Un cereale basilare servito spesso con verdure. Unmilled Rice.png Riso non macinato (1)
Pronto la mattina successiva data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100o



  • 1.4: Introdotto.
  • 1.4.2: Cambiata la preferenza dei NPC in Antipatia universale.