
Versione del 9 apr 2020 alle 00:01 di Margotbean (discussione | contributi) (→‎Dye Strength: Items A-C translated from data file)
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“Ho ancora molto lavoro da fare”
— Robin

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Dyeing is the process of changing the color of clothing. Dyeing can be done in two ways, both of which are available at Emily's house: by using the dye pots and by using the sewing machine. Both are unlocked during a cutscene with Emily after obtaining at least 1 Cloth.

Dye Pots

The Dye Pots interface

You can change the color of clothing, using the Dye Pots to the right of the sewing machine in Emily's house. You must be wearing the item(s) you wish to dye (each item will be dyed separately at no extra cost).

To create a dye you have to interact with the pots and have an item in your inventory representing each color dye pot (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple). Items in your inventory will have a a color dot in the bottom left that corresponds with the color pot that they belong to. Hovering over each pot will also show the available items in your inventory for that color.

Once you have each pot filled, a dye bottle will light up in the menu. Upon clicking the dye bottle button, a menu will pop up with color sliders (similar to the character creation menu) that allow you to choose any color for the item(s) of clothing being dyed. The items in the dye pots will be consumed.

Shown below are complete lists of all items that dye pots will accept.

Rosso: Agrifoglio, Anguilla lavica, Anguilla speziata, Aragosta, Baccagemma dolce, Barite, Bombicina, Bruschetta, Canditura di mirtilli rossi, Cena di salmone, Ciliegia, Cocktail di gamberetti, Crostata di rabarbaro, Dentice rosso, Diaspro, Dolomite, Esca, Fragola, Fungo rosso, Gamberetto, Gelatina (qualsiasi), Geode di magma, Gioia del minatore, Granchio, Helvite, Insalata di ravanelli, Lampone, Maionese del Vuoto, Marmellata di mirtilli rossi, Mazzo di fiori, Megabomba, Mela, Melone, Mirtilli rossi, Munizioni esplosive, Nekoite, Parmigiana, Peperoncino, Pergamena nanica I, Pesca, Pesce cremisi, Piatto rosso, Pizza, Pomodoro, Quarzo di fuoco, Rabarbaro, Ravanello, Rosa fatata, Rubino, Salmone, Sashimi, Schegge di stella, Spaghetti, Strana focaccia, Tonico energetico, Torta rosa, Triglia, Tulipano, Uovo di melma rosso

Arancia: Albicocca, Anfora sbeccata, Anguilla, Arancia, Argilla, Bacca speziata, Barretta d'acero, Bastoncino da mordere, Biscotto, Boccalino, Boccalone croccante, Bottino d'autunno, Budino di prugne, Caffè, Carota di grotta, Carpa a sorpresa, Carpa scorpione, Catrame di pino, Chicco di caffè, Conchiglia di nautilo, Crescipresto deluxe, Crescipresto, Cristallo della terra, Crostata di zucca, Dorado, Elmo nanico, Ematite, Espresso triplo, Fango indurito, Fertilizzante base, Fertilizzante di qualità, Fertilizzante per alberi, Frittelle, Funghi fritti, Fungo comune, Gallinaccio, Geode, Ghianda, Hashbrowns, Ingranaggio arrugginito, Legno duro, Legno galleggiante, Legno, Lingotto di rame, Nassa per granchi, Nocciola, Nocciole arrostite, Noce di cocco, Occhio di tigre, Ofiodonte, Orpimento, Pane, Panino 'Sopravvivi', Papavero, Patata dolce, Patata, Patate dolci glassate, Persico sole, Pesce pietra, Pianta marcita, Piatto 'radicale', Pietra limone, Pigna, Piovra, Platessa, Pranzo del fattore, Radice invernale, Rafano selvatico, Rame grezzo, Ripieno, Riso non macinato, Saltaboschi, Saltinpadella, Scazzone, Sciroppo d'acero, Seme di acero, Sperone arrugginito, Spugnola, Spuntino da campo, Stapparoncini, Tartufo, Teletra-Totem: Deserto, Teletra-Totem: Fattoria, Teletra-Totem: Montagne, Teletra-Totem: Spiaggia, Terriccio rattenente base, Terriccio rattenente di qualità, Torta al cioccolato, Tortilla, Tortini di granchio, Totem della pioggia, Trota arcobaleno, Trota tigre, Uova di pesce (qualsiasi), Uova di pesce invecchiate (qualsiasi), Zucca, Zucca-lanterna, Zuppa di trota, Zuppa di zucca

Giallo: Anguilla fritta, Arenaria, Birra, Calamari fritti, Calcite, Carambola, Carpa, Cetriolo di mare, Colazione completa, Essenza solare, Fieno, Flauto d'osso, Formaggio di capra, Formaggio, Gioiello elfico, Girasole, Giunchiglia, Grano, Idromele, Jagoite, Linfa, Lingotto d'oro, Luccio, Lumaca, Lustrino d'estate, Macedonia, Mais, Malto chiaro, Maschera d'oro, Miele (qualsiasi), Olio, Olio di tartufo, Oro grezzo, Pastinaca, Pasto-dal-mare, Pergamena nanica IV, Pesce al forno, Pesce blob, Pesce delle sabbie, Pesce palla, Pesce persico, Pirite, Pranzo fortunato, Rana pescatrice, Reliquia d'oro, Rimedio per i muscoli, Scrigno del tesoro, Statua di un pollo, Stella marina essiccata, Strana bambola (giallo), Taco di pesce, Tarassaco, Topazio, Torcia, Walleye, Zampa di coniglio, Zucca dorata, Zuppa di pastinache

Verde: Alga marina, Alghetta verde, Alosa, Boccalone, Bok Choy, Carciofo, Carpa mutante, Cavolo verde, Esperite, Fagiolo verde, Fibra, Fico d'India, Foglie di tè, Germoglio di felce, Giada, Insalata russa, Insalata, Jamborite, Leggenda, Luccio melmoso, Luppolo, Malachite, Melma pietrificata, Misto di verdure, Olio d'aglio, Penna d'anatra, Pergamena nanica II, Pietra oceanica, Resina di quercia, Risotto di felci, Smeraldo, Sottaceti (qualsiasi), Spezzatino di fagioli, Strana bambola (verde), Succo (qualsiasi), Superpasto, Tè verde, Uovo di dinosauro, Uovo di melma verde, Zuppa di alghette

Blu: Abramide, Acciuga, Acquamarina, Aerinite, Alalonga, Aringa, Bambola antica, Batteria, Budino di schiuma di mare, Calamaro di mezzanotte, CD rotto, Cianite, Crostatina ai mirtilli, Frutto antico, Frutto cristallino, Geode ghiacciato, Ghiacciolo, Jazz blu, Joja Cola, Lacrima ghiacciata, Lumachina, Mirtillo, Mora, Occhiali rotti, Opale, Pergamena nanica III, Pesce ghiacciaio, Pesce spettro, Sardina, Schegge di vetro, Storione, Tonno, Torta di more, Uovo di melma blu, Vongola

Viola: Amaranto, Ametista, Antico tamburo, Barbabietola, Carne d'insetto, Corallo, Croco, Melanzana, Pietra fatata, Opale di fuoco, Fluorapatite, Uva, Lingotto d'iridio, Iridio grezzo, Elisir vitale, Carpa di mezzanotte, Melagrana, Muffin ai semi di papavero, Fungo viola, Uovo di melma viola, Cavolo rosso, Quarzo raffinato, Riccio di mare, Supercetriolo, Pisello odoroso, Uovo del tuono, Essenza del Vuoto, Salmone del Vuoto, Prugna selvatica, Vino (qualsiasi)

Sewing Machine

The Sewing Machine interface

You can also use the sewing machine for a basic color change by placing the clothing item in the feed at the lower left of the sewing machine and the item to use as dye is placed on the spool at the upper right. The item on the spool is consumed in the process. There is a preview of the changed item in the sewing machine menu.

Using a Prismatic Shard or Rainbow Shell to dye clothing will open a menu where you can choose any color using slider buttons.

When you dye using the sewing machine you get a combination of the item's current color and the item you use. For example, a dark green shirt dyed with a white item will become lighter green. A blue shirt dyed with a red item will become a shade of purple. A blue shirt dyed with a yellow item will become a shade of green, etc.

Dye Strength

Base dye strength is 25%, "Medium" dye strength is 50%, and "Strong" dye strength is 100%. To achieve full color saturation, it may be necessary to dye the clothing up to 4 times.

Shown below is a comparison of the effect of dye strength on a white shirt. Fire Quartz has a normal dye strength, Eggplant Parmesan has a medium dye strength, and Cranberries have a strong dye strength.

Original 25% 50% 75% 100%
  × 1   × 2

  × 1

  × 3   × 4

  × 2

  × 1

Shown below is an expandable table of all items that can be used to dye clothing at the sewing machine, their colors, and dye strengths.

Item Color
Color at full
saturation (RGB) [1]
Dye Strength 
Ghianda brown 130,73,37
Aerinite cyan 0,255,255
Uova di pesce invecchiate (qualsiasi) orange 255,128,0
Alamite gray 128,128,128
Alalonga blue 46,85,183
Zuppa di alghette dark green 0,100,0
Amaranto pale violet red 219,112,147 medium
Ametista purple 115,41,181
Fossile di anfibio white 255,255,255
Ancora gray 128,128,128 strong
Acciuga blue 46,85,183
Bambola antica blue 46,85,183 strong
Antico tamburo purple 115,41,181 strong
Frutto antico cyan 0,255,255
Spada antica gray 128,128,128 strong
Rana pescatrice yellow 255,230,0
Mela red 220,0,0
Albicocca orange 255,128,0
Acquamarina aquamarine 127,255,212
Punta di freccia gray 128,128,128 strong
Carciofo green 10,143,0 medium
Salsa di carciofi white 255,255,255
Bottino d'autunno brown 130,73,37
Esca pink 255,163,186
Pesce al forno yellow 255,230,0
Barite red 220,0,0
Basalto gray 128,128,128
Fertilizzante base brown 130,73,37
Terriccio rattenente base brown 130,73,37
Ala di pipistrello black 45,45,45
Batteria cyan 0,255,255
Spezzatino di fagioli green 10,143,0
Birra yellow 255,230,0
Barbabietola dark purple 148,0,211 strong
Bixite black 45,45,45
Mora dark blue 0,0,139
Torta di more dark blue 0,0,139
Pesce blob sand 255,222,173
Jazz blu blue 46,85,183 medium
Uovo di melma blu blue 46,85,183
Mirtillo blue 46,85,183 strong
Crostatina ai mirtilli blue 46,85,183
Bok Choy green 10,143,0 medium
Bomba black 45,45,45
Flauto d'osso sand 255,222,173 strong
Mazzo di fiori pink 255,163,186
Pane brown 130,73,37
Abramide blue 46,85,183
CD rotto cyan 0,255,255
Occhiali rotti cyan 0,255,255
Bruschetta red 220,0,0
Carne d'insetto dark pink 255,20,147
Scazzone brown 130,73,37
Fico d'India green 10,143,0
Calcite yellow 255,230,0
Carpa yellow 255,230,0
Carpa a sorpresa brown 130,73,37
Pesce gatto gray 128,128,128
Cavolfiore white 255,255,255 medium
Carota di grotta brown 130,73,37
Caviale black 45,45,45
Celestite iron 197,213,224
Gallinaccio brown 130,73,37
Formaggio yellow 255,230,0
Cavolfiori al formaggio white 255,255,255
Ciliegia red 220,0,0
Bombicina red 220,0,0
Bastoncino da mordere brown 130,73,37 strong
Statua di un pollo sand 255,222,173 strong
Anfora sbeccata brown 130,73,37 strong
Torta al cioccolato brown 130,73,37
Zuppa di pesce white 255,255,255
Cavedano gray 128,128,128
Vongola light cyan 180,255,255
Argilla brown 130,73,37
Stoffa white 255,255,255
Carbone black 45,45,45
Tellina dark gray 169,169,169
Noce di cocco dark brown 139,69,19
Caffè dark brown 139,69,19
Chicco di caffè brown 130,73,37
Insalata russa green 10,143,0
Fungo comune dark brown 139,69,19
Colazione completa yellow 255,230,0
Biscotto brown 130,73,37
Lingotto di rame copper 179,85,0
Rame grezzo copper 179,85,0
Corallo pale violet red 219,112,147
Mais yellow 255,230,0 medium
Granchio red 220,0,0
Tortini di granchio brown 130,73,37
Nassa per granchi brown 130,73,37
Mirtilli rossi red 220,0,0 strong
Canditura di mirtilli rossi red 220,0,0 strong
Marmellata di mirtilli rossi red 220,0,0 strong
Gambero dark gray 169,169,169
Pesce cremisi red 220,0,0
Boccalone croccante brown 130,73,37
Croco purple 115,41,181 medium
Frutto cristallino blue 46,85,183
Giunchiglia yellow 255,230,0
Tarassaco yellow 255,230,0
Crescipresto deluxe brown 130,73,37
Diamond white 255,255,255
Dinosaur Egg green 10,143,0 strong
Dinosaur Mayonnaise white 255,255,255
Dish O' The Sea yellow 255,230,0
Dolomite pink 255,163,186
Dorado orange 255,128,0
Dried Starfish yellow 255,230,0 strong
Driftwood brown 130,73,37
Duck Egg white 255,255,255
Duck Feather green 10,143,0
Duck Mayonnaise white 255,255,255
Dwarf Gadget gray 128,128,128 strong
Dwarf Scroll I red 220,0,0 strong
Dwarf Scroll II green 10,143,0 strong
Dwarf Scroll III blue 46,85,183 strong
Dwarf Scroll IV yellow 255,230,0 strong
Dwarvish Helm brown 130,73,37 strong
Earth Crystal copper 179,85,0
Eel copper 179,85,0
Egg white 255,255,255
Eggplant purple 115,41,181 medium
Eggplant Parmesan red 220,0,0 medium
Elvish Jewelry yellow 255,230,0 strong
Emerald green 10,143,0
Energy Tonic red 220,0,0
Escargot gray 128,128,128
Esperite green 10,143,0
Explosive Ammo red 220,0,0
Fairy Rose pink 255,163,186 medium
Fairy Stone purple 115,41,181
Farmer's Lunch brown 130,73,37
Fiber green 10,143,0
Fiddlehead Fern green 10,143,0 strong
Fiddlehead Risotto green 10,143,0
Field Snack brown 130,73,37
Fire Opal dark purple 148,0,211
Fire Quartz red 220,0,0
Fish Stew gray 128,128,128
Fish Taco yellow 255,230,0
Flounder brown 130,73,37
Fluorapatite purple 115,41,181
Fried Calamari yellow 255,230,0
Fried Eel yellow 255,230,0
Fried Egg white 255,255,255
Fried Mushroom brown 130,73,37
Frozen Geode cyan 0,255,255
Frozen Tear cyan 0,255,255
Fruit Salad yellow 255,230,0
Garlic white 255,255,255 medium
Geminite gray 128,128,128
Geode brown 130,73,37
Ghost Crystal gray 128,128,128
Ghostfish white 255,255,255
Glacierfish blue 46,85,183
Glass Shards cyan 0,255,255 strong
Glazed Yams brown 130,73,37
Goat Cheese yellow 255,230,0
Goat Milk white 255,255,255
Gold Bar gold 255,215,0
Gold Ore gold 255,215,0
Golden Mask gold 255,215,0 strong
Golden Pumpkin gold 255,215,0
Golden Relic gold 255,215,0 strong
Granite gray 128,128,128
Grape purple 115,41,181
Green Algae dark green 0,100,0
Green Bean green 10,143,0 medium
Green Slime Egg green 10,143,0
Green Tea green 10,143,0
Halibut dark gray 169,169,169
Hardwood brown 130,73,37
Hashbrowns brown 130,73,37
Hay yellow 255,230,0
Hazelnut brown 130,73,37
Helvite red 220,0,0
Hematite copper 179,85,0
Herring blue 46,85,183
Holly red 220,0,0
Honey (qualsiasi) yellow 255,230,0
Hops green 10,143,0
Hot Pepper red 220,0,0 medium
Ice Cream white 255,255,255
Ice Pip blue 46,85,183
Iridium Bar iridium 105,15,255
Iridium Milk iridium 105,15,255
Iridium Ore iridium 105,15,255
Iron Bar iron 197,213,224
Iron Ore iron 197,213,224
Jack-O-Lantern orange 255,128,0
Jade jade 130,158,93
Jagoite gold 255,215,0
Jamborite lime 0,255,0
Jasper red 220,0,0
Jelly (qualsiasi) dark red 139,0,0
Joja Cola blue 46,85,183
Juice (qualsiasi) green 10,143,0
Kale green 10,143,0 strong
Kyanite dark blue 0,0,139
Large Goat Milk white 255,255,255
Large Egg white 255,255,255
Large Milk white 255,255,255
Largemouth Bass green 10,143,0
Lava Eel red 220,0,0
Leek white 255,255,255
Legend green 10,143,0
Lemon Stone orange 255,128,0
Life Elixir dark pink 255,20,147
Limestone gray 128,128,128
Lingcod brown 130,73,37
Lobster red 220,0,0
Lobster Bisque white 255,255,255
Lucky Lunch yellow 255,230,0
Lunarite white 255,255,255 strong
Magma Geode red 220,0,0
Maki Roll black 45,45,45
Malachite green 10,143,0
Maple Bar brown 130,73,37
Maple Seed brown 130,73,37
Maple Syrup brown 130,73,37
Marble gray 128,128,128
Mayonnaise white 255,255,255
Mead gold 255,215,0
Mega Bomb red 220,0,0
Melon pink 255,163,186 medium
Midnight Carp iridium 105,15,255
Midnight Squid blue 46,85,183
Milk white 255,255,255
Miner's Treat red 220,0,0
Morel brown 130,73,37
Mudstone brown 130,73,37
Muscle Remedy dark yellow 184,134,11
Mussel gray 128,128,128
Mutant Carp green 10,143,0
Nautilus Fossil white 255,255,255
Nautilus Shell orange 255,128,0
Nekoite pink 255,163,186
Neptunite black 45,45,45
Oak Resin green 10,143,0
Obsidian black 45,45,45
Ocean Stone green 10,143,0
Octopus orange 255,128,0
Oil yellow 255,230,0
Oil of Garlic yellow green 173,255,47
Omelet white 255,255,255
Omni Geode gray 128,128,128
Opal light cyan 180,255,255
Orange orange 255,128,0
Ornamental Fan white 255,255,255 strong
Orpiment orange 255,128,0
Oyster gray 128,128,128
Pale Ale gold 255,215,0
Pale Broth white 255,255,255
Palm Fossil white 255,255,255
Pancakes brown 130,73,37
Parsnip yellow 255,230,0 medium
Parsnip Soup yellow 255,230,0
Peach pink 255,163,186
Pearl white 255,255,255
Pepper Poppers brown 130,73,37
Perch yellow 255,230,0
Periwinkle cyan 0,255,255
Petrified Slime green 10,143,0
Pickles (qualsiasi) green 10,143,0
Pike yellow 255,230,0
Pine Cone brown 130,73,37
Pine Tar brown 130,73,37
Pink Cake pink 255,163,186
Pizza red 220,0,0
Plum Pudding brown 130,73,37
Pomegranate dark pink 255,20,147
Poppy orange 255,128,0 medium
Poppyseed Muffin poppyseed 82,47,153
Potato brown 130,73,37 medium
Prehistoric Handaxe gray 128,128,128 strong
Prehistoric Rib white 255,255,255
Prehistoric Scapula white 255,255,255
Prehistoric Skull white 255,255,255
Prehistoric Tibia white 255,255,255
Prehistoric Tool gray 128,128,128 strong
Prehistoric Vertebra white 255,255,255
Prismatic Shard prismatic
Pufferfish yellow 255,230,0
Pumpkin orange 255,128,0 medium
Pumpkin Pie orange 255,128,0
Pumpkin Soup orange 255,128,0
Purple Mushroom purple 115,41,181
Purple Slime Egg purple 115,41,181
Pyrite gold 255,215,0
Quality Fertilizer brown 130,73,37
Quality Retaining Soil brown 130,73,37
Quartz white 255,255,255
Rabbit's Foot yellow 255,230,0
Radish red 220,0,0 medium
Radish Salad red 220,0,0
Rain Totem brown 130,73,37
Rainbow Shell prismatic
Rainbow Trout orange 255,128,0
Rare Disc dark gray 169,169,169 strong
Red Cabbage purple 115,41,181 medium
Red Mullet red 220,0,0
Red Mushroom red 220,0,0
Red Plate red 220,0,0
Red Slime Egg red 220,0,0
Red Snapper red 220,0,0
Refined Quartz iridium 105,15,255
Rhubarb red 220,0,0 medium
Rhubarb Pie red 220,0,0
Rice white 255,255,255
Rice Pudding white 255,255,255
Roasted Hazelnuts dark brown 139,69,19
Roe (qualsiasi) orange 255,128,0
Roots Platter brown 130,73,37
Rotten Plant copper 179,85,0
Ruby red 220,0,0
Rusty Cog brown 130,73,37 strong
Rusty Spoon gray 128,128,128 strong
Rusty Spur brown 130,73,37 strong
Salad green 10,143,0
Salmon salmon 255,85,95
Salmon Dinner pink 255,163,186
Salmonberry red 220,0,0
Sandfish yellow 255,230,0
Sandstone sand 255,222,173
Sap yellow 255,230,0
Sardine blue 46,85,183
Sashimi pink 255,163,186
Scorpion Carp brown 130,73,37
Sea Cucumber yellow 255,230,0
Sea Urchin purple 115,41,181
Seafoam Pudding blue 46,85,183
Seaweed green 10,143,0
Shad green 10,143,0
Shrimp pink 255,163,186
Shrimp Cocktail pink 255,163,186
Skeletal Hand white 255,255,255
Skeletal Tail white 255,255,255
Slate gray 128,128,128
Slime gray 128,128,128
Slimejack green 10,143,0
Smallmouth Bass brown 130,73,37
Snail yellow 255,230,0
Snow Yam white 255,255,255
Soapstone white 255,255,255
Soggy Newspaper gray 128,128,128
Solar Essence yellow 255,230,0
Spaghetti red 220,0,0 medium
Speed-Gro brown 130,73,37
Spice Berry orange 255,128,0
Spicy Eel red 220,0,0
Spook Fish blue 46,85,183
Spring Onion white 255,255,255
Squid white 255,255,255
Squid Ink black 45,45,45
Star Shards pink 255,163,186
Starfruit yellow 255,230,0
Stir Fry brown 130,73,37
Stone gray 128,128,128
Stonefish brown 130,73,37
Strange Bun pink 255,163,186
Strange Doll (green) green 10,143,0 strong
Strange Doll (yellow) yellow 255,230,0 strong
Strawberry red 220,0,0 medium
Stuffing brown 130,73,37
Sturgeon cyan 0,255,255
Sugar white 255,255,255
Summer Spangle yellow 255,230,0 medium
Sunfish orange 255,128,0
Sunflower yellow 255,230,0 medium
Super Cucumber purple 115,41,181
Super Meal green 10,143,0
Survival Burger brown 130,73,37
Sweet Gem Berry red 220,0,0
Sweet Pea purple 115,41,181 medium
Tea Leaves green 10,143,0
Thunder Egg dark purple 148,0,211
Tiger Trout brown 130,73,37
Tigerseye orange 255,128,0
Tilapia gray 128,128,128
Tom Kha Soup white 255,255,255
Tomato red 220,0,0 medium
Topaz gold 255,215,0
Torch yellow 255,230,0
Tortilla brown 130,73,37
Trash black 45,45,45
Treasure Chest yellow 255,230,0
Tree Fertilizer brown 130,73,37
Trilobite white 255,255,255
Triple Shot Espresso dark brown 139,69,19 strong
Trout Soup brown 130,73,37
Truffle brown 130,73,37
Truffle Oil yellow 255,230,0
Tulip red 220,0,0 medium
Tuna blue 46,85,183
Unmilled Rice brown 130,73,37
Vegetable Medley green 10,143,0
Vinegar white 255,255,255
Void Egg black 45,45,45
Void Essence purple 115,41,181
Void Mayonnaise red 220,0,0
Void Salmon dark purple 148,0,211
Walleye yellow 255,230,0
Warp Totem: Beach brown 130,73,37
Warp Totem: Desert brown 130,73,37
Warp Totem: Farm brown 130,73,37
Warp Totem: Mountains brown 130,73,37
Wheat yellow 255,230,0
Wheat Flour white 255,255,255
White Algae white 255,255,255
Wild Horseradish brown 130,73,37
Wild Plum dark purple 148,0,211
Wine (qualsiasi) dark purple 148,0,211
Winter Root orange 255,128,0
Wood brown 130,73,37
Woodskip orange 255,128,0
Wool white 255,255,255
Yam brown 130,73,37 medium


  1. I colori degli elementi sono specificati in Content\Data\ObjectContextTags.xnb. I valori di colore sono specificati in StardewValley.Menus.TailoringMenu::GetDyecolor. RGB si riferisce alle parole inglesi per "rosso, verde, blu".