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{| style="background:black;float:right;margin-left:16px"
|[[File:JOPK logo.png]]
'''Viaggio del Re della Prateria''' è un minigioco in stile SmashTV cui può essere giocato in uno dei due arcade al [[Il Saloon Astropomo|Saloon Astropomo]]. Finire il gioco ha come ricompensa un [[Arcade 'Re della Prateria']], consegnato via posta il giorno seguente. [[Abigail]] è in possesso di una versione console del programma che può essere giocata nel suo Evento 2 Cuori. La parte casuale del gioco '''''non''''' è influenzata dalla [[Fortuna]].<ref name="CAquote" />

''NB: Nessun elemento del gioco come power-up e nemici hanno nomi ufficiali: i nomi qui elencati sono stati forniti dalla comunità.''

==Meccaniche di gioco==
Viaggio del Re della Prateria è uno sparatutto top-down, simile a sparatutto [[wikipedia:Shoot_'em_up#Types|"twin-stick"]] come "[[wikipedia:Smash_TV|Smash TV]]". {{Key|W}}{{Key|A}}{{Key|S}}{{Key|D}} spostano il protagonista e {{Key|&uarr;}}{{Key|&larr;}}{{Key|&darr;}}{{Key|&rarr;}} sparano nella direzione corrispondente alla freccia. Il giocatore può muoversi e sparare diagonalmente premendo due tasti allo stesso momento (''es.,'' W e A spostano il protagonista verso nord-ovest). Se si usa un controller, il joystick sinistro (o il D-Pad) sposta e il joystick destro (o il pad pulsanti) spara. Nelle versioni mobile di Stardew Valley, due cerchi rossi trasparenti compaiono sullo schermo: quello a sinistra sposta il protagonista e quello a destra mira e spara.

Il giocatore inizia con quattro vite (mostrate come "x3" in alto a sinistra), ed è ucciso istantaneamente quando a contatto con un nemico o con un proiettile. Perdere ogni vita (quando il contatore passa da "x0" a "x-1") risulta in un Game Over. In ogni livello, un timer nella parte superiore dello schermo scorre mentre orde di [[#Nemici|nemici]] appaiono dai lati dello schermo e si spostano verso il giocatore. I nemici smettono di apparire una volta che il timer è terminato, ed il livello successivo del gioco è sbloccato dopo averli uccisi tutti.

I nemici hanno una possibilità di rilasciare [[#Oggetti rilasciati dai nemici|power-up]], monete e vite extra dopo essere stati uccisi. Un potenziamento per volta può essere conservato in uno spazio in alto a sinistra, e può essere attivato premendo {{Key|Space}}. Se un potenziamento viene raccolto ma lo spazio è già occupato, il potenziamento nuovo è consumato immediatamente. I power-up durano per brevi periodi di tempo.

==Oggetti rilasciati dai nemici==
|1 Moneta
|Aumenta il contatore delle monete di 1.
|5 Monete
|Aumenta il contatore delle monete di 5. Appaiono meno spesso della singola moneta.
|[[File:JOPK Life.png]]
|Aumenta il contatore delle vite di 1.
|[[File:JOPK Coffee.png]]
|Aumenta la velocità di movimento. Dura 16 secondi.
|[[File:JOPK MachineGun.png]]
|Mitragliatrice pesante
|Aumenta la velocità di sparo notevolmente. Dura 12 secondi.
|[[File:JOPK Nuke.png]]
|Bomba nucleare
|Uccide ogni nemico sullo schermo. I nemici uccisi in questo modo non rilasciano nessun oggetto.
|[[File:JOPK Shotgun.png]]
|Tre proiettili vengono sparati a cono allo stesso momento anziché uno, ad una velocità minore. Dura 12 secondi.
|[[File:JOPK SmokeBomb.png]]
|Bomba fumogena
|Teletrasporta il giocatore in un punto casuale dello schermo e blocca i movimenti dei nemici, che appaiono con un punto di domanda sulla loro testa. I nemici continueranno ad apparire, concentrandosi nelle zone di spawn. Dura 4 secondi.
|[[File:JOPK Star.png]]
|Distintivo da sceriffo
|Aumenta velocità di movimento e di sparo, e tre proiettili vengono sparati a cono allo stesso momento anziché uno. Tecnicamente una combinazione della mitragliatrice pesante, del fucile e del caffè (anche se gli effetti di questo sono leggermente meno potenti). Con i miglioramenti massimizzati della pistola e degli stivali, questo oggetto diventa solo un buff minore. Dura 24 secondi.
|[[File:JOPK Tombstone.png]]
|Il giocatore diventa uno zombie, aumentando la velocità di movimento e fornendo l'abilità di uccidere i nemici al contatto. I nemici si allontanano dal giocatore. Dura 8 secondi. (Nota: Questo potenziamento non garantisce protezione dai proiettili sparati dai nemici)
|[[File:JOPK Wheel.png]]
|Ruota del carro
|Permette al giocatore di sparare in 8 direzioni allo stesso momento. Dura 12 secondi.


A Vendor appears after certain levels are completed and will present the player with three upgrades that can be purchased with coins dropped by enemies (see above). Only one item may be purchased per visit, and the items in each slot are always presented in the same order, requiring the first item in that slot to be purchased before the next one is shown in a later level, etc. (For example, both boots upgrades must be purchased before an extra life can appear in the first slot.)

The Vendor appears at the end of every second level: 1-2, 1-4, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1 and 3-3.

!Vendor Slot
!Purchase Price
| rowspan="3" style="text-align: center;" | '''1'''
|[[File:JOPK Boots1.png]]
| rowspan="2" | Boots
| {{Price|8|JOPK}}
| rowspan="2" | Upgrades movement speed.
|[[File:JOPK Boots2.png]]
| {{Price|20|JOPK}}
|[[File:JOPK Life.png]]
| 1-Up
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get an extra life. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
| rowspan="5" style="text-align: center;" | '''2'''
|[[File:JOPK Gun1.png]]
| rowspan="3" | Gun
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| rowspan="3" | Increases shooting speed.
|[[File:JOPK Gun2.png]]
| {{Price|20|JOPK}}
|[[File:JOPK Gun3.png]]
| {{Price|30|JOPK}}
|[[File:JOPK Gun4.png]]
| Super-Gun
| {{Price|99|JOPK}}
|Applies the effect of the Shotgun powerup permanently without the fire-rate debuff. Will also be shown as a 4th icon on the left, on top of the other 3. Picking up the shotgun power-up will not increase the bullet spread, but will still decrease fire-rate. This upgrade is only available in [[#Hard Mode|hard mode]]. ''Requires all other gun and ammo upgrades to be purchased before it will appear.''
|[[File:JOPK Star.png]]
| Sheriff Badge
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
| rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | '''3'''
|[[File:JOPK Ammo1.png]]
| rowspan="3" | Ammo
| {{Price|15|JOPK}}
| rowspan="3" | Increases bullet damage to 2 / 3 / 4. Bullets gain penetration, such that if a bullet destroys an enemy with damage left over, it will keep going until its damage is depleted, allowing at least two weak enemies to be killed with one bullet.
| [[File:JOPK Ammo2.png]]
| {{Price|30|JOPK}}
| [[File:JOPK Ammo3.png]]
| {{Price|45|JOPK}}
|[[File:JOPK Star.png]]
| Sheriff Badge
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.

!First appears in
|Walks slowly towards the player, often spawning in large numbers.
|Stage 1 (areas 1-4)
|2 while moving, 7 while deployed
|Enters the area, walks to a random location, and deploys into an armored spikeball. Kills the player on contact, whether deployed or undeployed. If time has run out and the only remaining enemies are spikeballs, their HP is reduced to 1. Damage done to the Spikeball while it is moving is still effective after it deploys.
|Stage 1 (areas 2-4)
|Moves slowly. Destroys spikeballs on contact.
|Stage 1 (areas 3-4), Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
|Moves quickly, running as fast as a player without speed upgrades.
|Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
|Evil Butterfly
|The first flying enemy. Can spawn anywhere on the perimeter and fly towards the player. Can also fly over obstacles.
|Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
|Moves slowly. Spawns in large hordes.
|Stage 3 (areas 1-3)
|A flying enemy that can spawn anywhere on the perimeter, seeking the player. Can fly over obstacles and is not distracted by the Gopher or deterred by the Tombstone power-up.
|Stage 3 (areas 1-3)

!Appears in
|style="font-size: larger;"|∞
|Distracts enemies, drawing them towards it and killing them on impact. Does not harm the player and cannot be killed by the player. Disappears after it has fully crossed the screen.

Gophers may carry the player on a parade float upon a victory against a boss.

!Appears in
|Both fights with the cowboy take place in open fields with little cover. The player and cowboy are separated by a ravine/river, which can only be crossed with a lucky smoke bomb. The cowboy will run out of cover and shoot a volley of bullets upwards, sometimes matching the player's movements, before retreating back to cover. He often pauses behind cover, and sometimes outside of cover. Upon dying, the boss drops an extra life, a bridge appears crossing the river, and a raft pickup appears which sends the player to the next stage.
|Stage 1 (area 5), Stage 2 (area 4)
|Fector is the final boss and is significantly more difficult than the Cowboy. Movement is not restricted on this stage, for the player or for Fector. Fector can fire directly at the player, or in eight directions as with the Wheel power-up. As his health decreases, he starts summoning enemies. The player is victorious after defeating Fector.
|Stage 3 (area 4)

{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!style="text-align: left;"|<span style="font-size: larger;">Screenshots of each level</span>&nbsp;
!Area 1
!Area 2
!Area 3
!Area 4
|'''Stage 1 - Prairie'''
|[[File:JOPK Level 1 1.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 1 2.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 1 3.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 1 4.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 1 5.png]]
|'''Stage 2 - Forest'''
|[[File:JOPK Level 2 1.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 2 2.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 2 3.png]]
|style="text-align: center;"| -
|[[File:JOPK Level 2 4.png]]
|'''Stage 3 - Graveyard'''
|[[File:JOPK Level 3 1.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 3 2.png]]
|[[File:JOPK Level 3 3.png]]
|style="text-align: center;"| -
|[[File:JOPK Level 3 4.png]]

==Hard Mode==
After completing ''Viaggio del Re della Prateria'', the player has the option to start over in Hard Mode. All upgrades and coins are carried over into the new game, but lives reset to the default "x3", and held power-ups are removed. Enemies spawn in greater numbers, some move faster, and each has at least one extra hit point. Additionally, Imps now spawn in every level except boss stages, and extra lives drop far less often.

Each time a harder mode is beaten, the option to start once again is offered, with the game getting progressively harder each time.

==Saving mechanics==
The game saves after each completed level (When entering the next level) as well as each death. When coming back to the game if a ongoing run is saved, you have the option to start over or to load your save.
This can be exploited across multiple days to effectively create a savestate system. You can go to sleep after each won level, which will save your ongoing game in the stardew valley game save file, and if you die, reloading the day will effectively reload the previous Viaggio del Re della Prateria save.

* There is a [[Lost Books|Lost Book]] about this game titled ''[[Lost Books#Viaggio del Re della Prateria -- The Smash Hit Video Game!|Viaggio del Re della Prateria -- The Smash Hit Video Game!]]''.
* [[Options#Graphics|Zoom level]] also influences the portion of screen the arcade game takes up.
* The title of the game is most likely a reference to the [[wikipedia:List_of_River_King_video_games|"River King" games]] (a series of fishing RPGs made by Marvelous, who also made the Harvest Moon/Bokujo Monogatari series), specifically the Game Boy title released in the US as ''Legend of the River King''.

* If the nuke power-up is used during the first boss fight, the enemy will vanish from the screen but the stage will not end, resulting in a softlock. This also occurs when using the Tombstone power up against Fector.
* Leaving the game while in the Gopher carrying sequence after defeating a boss, then continuing it, will cause the boss music and health bar to reappear on continuation, with the boss spawning as soon as the next stage begins. If the player dies (the boss will despawn in that case) or the boss dies, the music will keep playing until they reach the next boss. Additionally, performing the glitch again on the next boss will cause the music to carry over out of JotPK and into the rest of the game. This will not end until Stardew Valley is completely restarted.
* Leaving the game just before the Gopher carrying sequence begins, then starting a new game, will cause the Gopher carrying sequence to happen anyway before the first level begins while still resetting your upgrades, lives and coin counter as normal for a brand new run.
* In the windowed steam version the top of the mini-game is cut off hiding the level timer.

<ref name="CAquote">Twitter @ConcernedApe: /status/1094755018945703937</ref>

{{History|1.1|After beating the game, the player can play in Hard Mode.}}
{{History|1.5|Progress can now be saved and resumed, so it can be completed in multiple sessions. The original difficulty can now be replayed even if the player already completed it. (Previously it would increase difficulty automatically, which is now a New Game+ mode.)}}
{{History|1.5.2|Fector can no longer instantly be killed with a Tombstone.}}

[[Category:Bugs tested in an unknown version]]

[[de:Reise des Prärie-Königs]]
[[en:Journey Of The Prairie King]]
[[es:Viaje del Rey de la Pradera]]
[[fr:Aventures du Roi de la Prairie]]
[[ko:대초원의 왕의 모험]]
[[hu:Journey Of The Prairie King]]
[[pt:Jornada do Rei da Pradaria]]
[[ru:Путешествие Короля Прерий]]
[[tr:Çayır Kralı'nın Yolculuğu]]


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